Territorial Games - Week 1

Early Stage 1 


Download the Territorial Games - Week 1 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

FMS focus: Catch

Learning intention 

Students are developing proficiency in the catch.

Success criteria.

Explicit teaching of the catch

About the skill 

Catching is a manipulative skill that involves being able to absorb and control the force of an object with a part of the body, preferably the hands. The ability to catch proficiently is important to most sports and games that involve an object, for example, cricket, football codes, netball, basketball, rhythmic gymnastics and playground games. 

View 'The Get Skilled Get Active - 'Catch' video to support the explicit teaching of the catch.

Model the skill:

Model the catch to students while explaining the movements needed to effectively catch:

Say to the students:  

Guided practice with immediate teacher feedback:

Students standing balanced, hands lightly cupped, eyes focused. Using a beanbag, students: 

Skill development games

Choosing teams

In a sport education approach, affiliation is promoted by students being a member of the same team over a period of time. It is intended that students remain in these teams for the duration of each sport program for the skill development and the modified small-sided games, so that they can develop and learn together.

FMS focus activity - Beat the clock

Skill focus: Catch

Equipment: Any kind of light ball, markers

How to play:  

 FMS consolidation activity - Frost and thaw

Skill focus: Sprint run and static balance

Equipment: 2 markers per pair, one ball per pair 

How to play:  One player is Frost and is the chaser. Another is Thaw. Frost tries to tag as  many of the other players as possible. Once tagged, they must freeze on the spot. Thaw can melt these players by touching them. They can then rejoin the game. 

Modified small-sided games

It's game time!

Teams play each other in the game outlined below.


Skill focus: Catch

Equipment: A playing area big enough for the circles of players, one medium-sized ball per group

How to play: Players in a circle throw a ball to other players in the circle. An interceptor inside the circle tries to intercept the ball. Only the interceptor can move. 


2 stars and a wish

Ask students - what are 2 things you feel you did well today?

What are you going to try and improve on next week?

Students can answer reflection questions as a whole class, small group or in pairs.