Week 2 - Netball

Skill focus: Attacking and finding space

Session equipment 

Download the Netball - Week 2 activity card to support teaching before and during the sport session. 

Fast start - Alphabets

Equipment: 8 markers to set out a 25m x 25m playing area

How to play:


Select card to download

Skill development games

Activity 1 - Caterpillar run

Equipment: 1 or 2 netballs per team

How to play: In small groups players pass a netball in a zigzag pattern to progress the group up the court. Play in groups of 6 to 8. 

Activity 2 - Pairs passing 

Equipment: 1 netball per pair, 2 cones per pair 

How to play: Players form pairs. On an agreed signal, players pass ball to each other for 30 seconds. At the end of 30 seconds the player without the ball moves to form a new pair. Passing starts again.

Activity 3 - Treasure chest

Equipment: 25 cones, 2 bibs or sashes

How to play: Players use different movement skills to evade defenders while they try and collect ‘treasure’ (marker cones). 

Activity 4 - Tag pass

Equipment: 1 netball per game, bibs or sashes to identify team

How to play: Players are split into two teams of passers and dodgers. The attackers (passers) aim to pass the netball to each other and tag the dodgers with the ball. Play in teams of 8 to 10. 

Modified small-sided games

It's time for competition!

Teams compete against each other in the game outlined below. You can use the 'Netball draw' as a guide to organise the competition, across the 4 sessions try to ensure each team has a fair number of games. 

Allocate 3 points for a win, 2 points for a drawer and 1 point for a loss for each game played. Record results and points in the School sport program results spreadsheet.

Remember, to give students an update of the leader board each week. 



Equipment: 1 netball per game, bibs or sashes to identify teams

How to play: Two even teams play. Each team stands in the goal third, or playing area, on the opposite sideline of the court and each player receives a number. Call out 2 numbers. The players with those numbers then run into the playing area and contest the ball teacher has thrown or rolled onto the court. The player who gains possession, and their partner, become the attackers, while the others become defenders. The attackers try to score a goal. (Play in 2 teams of even numbers). Play using netta rules.



Ask students to form pairs with a student from their team.

Inform students they are going to give feedback to their partner using 'TAG'.