
OB16 demonstrate the effect of exercise and rest on pulse and breathing rate

This is a non mandatory experiment




  1. Find your Pulse (see notes below)
  2. Count your Pulse for a certain time period.
  3. Calculate the Beats per Minute.
  4. Do some exercise
  5. Find your BpM
  6. Allow your Heart to return to its normal rhythm
  7. Measure the BpM after 3 minutes, 6 minutes & 10 minutes after exercise
  8. Plot the information in a graph

Labelled Diagram



and understand that a balance of each promotes good health

Wrist, or our neck

OB17 recall that the average pulse rate for an adult at rest is 70 b.p.m.,

FInd your heart beat!

Mr Tuck says

Look right,

put your fingers between your adams apple and the big muscle on the left of your neck

look forward and you should find your heart beat

On wrist, neck, anywhere else?

okay take this table down

1st count for 30s = Double it = B.P.M

2nd count for 30s = Double it = B.P.M

3rd count for 30s = Double it = B.P.M

find the average ???

My Average BPM = ......

After exercise for 15s = Multiply by 4

After a little rest for 15s = Multiply by 4

Count the number of beats in 15s multiply it by 4, do this 3 times to get the average.

It is more accurate to count the number in 30s and mulitply it by 2 ....

but either way you will know your rough heart rate.

and explain why exercise results in increased pulse and breathing rates

Watch this and then plan an investigation based on this.


OB18 recall that the normal temperature of the human body is 37 °C,

understand that illness may cause a change in body temperature

Cardio map
