Art for Therapy & Wellness

Course Number: 714

Open to grades 9, 10, 11, and 12

Prerequisite: None

One Quarter - .5 Credit

Credit Group: Elective

Nearly one-half of the nation’s health care institutions provide arts programming for patients, families, and staff.  These programs are provided because of their healing benefits to patients, which leads to shorter hospital stays, better pain management, and less medication.  This course is an opportunity for those who are interested in the medical field to learn about promoting healing and wellness through art practices and observation for patients, themselves, and/or those interested in Art Therapy or Psychotherapy as a career and other career opportunities in the Education and Training, Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications, Hospitality and Tourism, Marketing and Health Science career pathways.

Art for Therapy and Wellness is an opportunity for all students to gain wellness and mindfulness practices through art.  The course will focus on mindfulness practices, emotional intelligence, color psychology, stages of artistic development, the history and theory of art therapy, approaches to artmaking and purposes of artmaking.