Contemporary Literature

Course Number:  126

Open to grades 11 and 12
Open to grade 10 upon student request, a C average or better in English 9A and English 9B is recommended

Prerequisite: None

One Quarter - .5 Credit

Credit Group: English

NCAA Approved Course

Step into the captivating world of contemporary literature in this engaging and thought-provoking course. Through the reading of contemporary stories, we will dive into the depths of modern storytelling, dissecting themes and unraveling the intricacies of various authors’ crafts. With a diverse selection of texts and interactive discussions, students will gain a profound understanding of how literature reflects the complexities and issues of our modern world. Students may read books such as Long Way Down, Unwind, As You Wish, Speak, Room, and other novels when they participate in literature circles. This course is primarily a reading class, and there are writing and discussion components included in each unit.