
This course requests a course application to be completed.
Please complete the course application during course selection (Dec-Jan).

Course Number: 540A/540B(Production) & 540C/540D(Sales)

Open to grades 10, 11, and 12

Prerequisite: Applications requested

Two Quarters - 1 Credit

Credit Group: Elective

NOTE: Students may take this course multiple years for credit

The Monocle is the publication of our school yearbook. Students gain valuable experience with creating layouts, interviewing, composing copy (stories and captions), taking photos, editing photos, soliciting Senior and Business Ads, engaging in a rigorous proofing process, creating marketing materials, and working as a part of a large team. Students will learn valuable skills that will allow them to pursue careers in journalism, photography, graphic design, sales, marketing, business, and/or management.