General Chemistry

Course Number:  320A/320B

Open to grades 10, 11, and 12

Prerequisite: Proficient in Algebra 1 or Algebra 1A

Two Quarters - 1 Credit

Credit Group: Science

NCAA Approved Course

NOTE: The science department offers three different introductory chemistry courses. Students must take a course in chemistry and can choose from:  Basic Chemistry (quarter long), General Chemistry (two quarters long), or Accelerated Chemistry (two quarters long).  Please read the course descriptions carefully, or see your current science teacher for a recommendation.

General Chemistry in a year-long introductory chemistry course covering the areas of nuclear chemistry, the periodic table, chemical reactions, bonding, and moles.  It is designed for students who plan to continue their education after high school, though graduates who immediately enter the job market may also find chemistry beneficial.  The different units of study are taught through demonstrations, laboratory investigations, group collaboration, and activities.