Stress reduced


Feedback from Joanne (name changed) who attended my classes along with her husband. Her husband could not come after the first class. She was referred to me by Rani Gandham MD (Pediatrics) for her husband’s sleep problem. He was recovering from major neck surgery. Her responses to my questions are  here.


(A) How is your husband doing?

          He is doing much better.

(B) What were the problems you had before doing the classes and the stress level at that time?

Stressed out thinking about health of husband (his suffering from pains after surgery) was 8 out of 10.

My work- related stress was 5 out of 10.

(C) The practices that you learned from the classes which worked for you.

Realizing from your counseling that in spite of my great love for him and desire to ease his suffering, I can’t share his pains. He alone has to bear them. This thinking eased my stress remarkably.

Breathing reduced my overall stress (1).


Listening to my networking friend was a recurring source of stress for me. As suggested, I stopped picking up her calls, allowing her to leave a message. This helped.


I also practiced the ‘Tongue tip positioning’ suggested at the two times that created lot of stress for me: when listening to my hyper friend and also listening to the attorneys arguing for their clients as part of my office work. This practice has made a huge difference (1).

(D) Where did you practice?

At home

At work

(E) The benefits or improvements you felt

      I am much calmer. 

(1) Tongue tip positioning (Releasing tension in the jaws): "Keep the tip of your tongue behind the top teeth at the junction of the teeth and gum. And  keep your mind engaged in feeling the coolness during the in-breaths and sensation of the out-breaths."  

Dec 2015 


Daily headaches relieved in 2 weeks


Feedback from Krishna (name changed), a young married client, doing my classes on Skype and in person. His headaches were relieved within 2 weeks. Report –

Krishna came to my daughter’s office for his chronic headaches and received prescription for nasal spray for pain relief. I was checking him out the reception and could clearly see his anxiety, stress and lost look. I felt ‘Focusing on breathing’ may help him, gave him my key handouts and asked him to try the technique at night to fall asleep. He quickly scanned through the handouts and signed up for my classes. This is an interim report on his relief from headaches. He is continuing the classes to resolve stressful family relationships.

Before practicing this technique: He was getting headaches daily, lasting a couple of hours. Using the nasal spray prescribed by the doctor gave him relief.

What did he practice?

He practiced the ‘Folding 911 mode’, ‘911 mode’ ‘Counting mode’ and ‘Tip mode’. He practiced at bedtime, on waking up, at work, biking to office and back and whenever he felt stressed.

Improvements noticed

Whenever he got a headache, he practiced the ‘Folding 911 mode’ and it gave him total relief. He was very happy that he could control them without using the nasal spray. In a few weeks, the headaches totally stopped.

Oct 2015

Falling asleep and relieving stress 

Mail from a young lady suffering from chronic gastritis and skin allergies for a long time.

“The counting breaths technique is the one that I am benefiting the most from when I have to fall asleep after a long day (1). It is a great way for me to relieve my stress also.”

July 2015