On being happy

There are two articles in this page. One is a story and another a true life experience.

“Then what…Then what?…..Then what?…….” - A story

A group of smart managers from the city were visiting a village. They found a middle aged man sitting under a tree, playing his flute. There was a cow grazing at a distance. The managers could not imagine a young man sitting idle and playing music all alone. One manager asked him curiously “what are you doing here?”. The man replied “I am employed as a cow keeper. I am watching that cow grazing over there for my employer till evening”. Their dialogue continued.   More….

The wealthy spinster and the homeless man 

Kamala was always complaining about something or other when she met any of her friends. They even used to avoid facing her, for that reason. The experience she had one day changed her attitude dramatically.  More….

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