Why do many doctors ask their patients to  breathe in a normal manner? They know that it is essential for healthy working of the heart, the eyes, the muscles of the mouth and the mind.

Internal Medicine Physician 

Relief from anxiety and better quality of life

“My female patient 40+ suffered for many years with anxiety, depression and insomnia. It became worse due to the negative interactions with her supervisor at work. Her Hypertension had been borderline high at most of her visits. I could see her stressed-out condition. She appeared to be on the edge. She was on two anxiety medications and a sleeping pill to control her symptoms.

Recently when she came in, she had a very relaxed demeanor. She told me she was off both her anxiety medicines since she does not need them any more. Her BP was in perfect range.

I asked her what brought about the remarkable change. She said she decided that she would change how she reacts to her supervisor. She would do the best job she can and not let anything else affect her. 

She does the 'focusing on breathing meditation' as recommended. She does not use her fingers to count her breaths but focuses on her breaths using the feeling mode. She finds that it calms her down a lot.

I was very surprised and happy for her, since her quality of life improved to a great extent. It is a clear example of how simple techniques can help transform lives.”

Padma Sripada MD (Internal Medicine)

Patient able to drive over bridges without medication!

“Counting breaths meditation helped some of my patients suffering from anxiety, panic attacks, hypertension and insomnia. Everyone who adopted the technique reported that it helps them relax. 

The most remarkable effect was on a patient with severe panic attacks. She could not drive over bridges without taking an anxiolytic medicine before. She is now able to drive over bridges without relying on medications!”

Padma Sripada MD (Internal Medicine) 

EKG Technician

I was lying on the exam table for an EKG. The EKG technician attached the electrodes to my chest. Before switching on the machine, she said “Keep breathing”.


My eye doctor who treats me for glaucoma. He was about to touch my eyeball with the probe to measure the pressure of the fluid inside my eyes. He said ‘Keep breathing’ and then carried out the test.


General dentist

I was reclining in the general dentist’s chair waiting for him to come in. My eyes were on the ceiling. I saw a letter size poster taped to the ceiling, staring at me . It had only one word in giant letters “Breathe”.  


Every time I visit my endodontist for root canal surgery, he gives me a numbing shot. Before touching the needle to my gum, his routine instruction is “Take a deep breath and then a normal breath. First a prick and then pressure”. Then he pushes the tip of the needle into the gum.

ER Doctor

Following is an account of what Dr. Travis Stork cohost of the ‘The Doctors’ show wrote.

“As I get older, I realize that it’s not always about pushing yourself to go harder or faster. Sometimes what you need to get through a stressful situation is to slow down for a minute and take a deep breath. Now when we’re facing those moments at work where the rubber meets the road, I take a deep breath.

I found that this quick time-out helps me manage my stress response better. It helps me with things like delayed flights and traffic jams.

It’s so easy to let that stuff get us riled up. But that’s the kind of thing that leads to chronic stress. It can take a toll on our health over time'”

In the article, he cited his first experience as an attending physician in the ER. A father ran into the ER carrying a young boy who was unresponsive hardly breathing. His lips started turning blue. Dr. Stork had to act fast. He was ready to act. But was also a little bit scared. He said he did not take any heroic action. He took a deep breath. That deep breath turned any fear into focus. He followed what he learned. He said that the single breath helped him  save the child.

A palliative care physician

 “I learned to show compassion for my patients without being distant or suffering. I know that none of these experiences would have been possible had I not learned to breathe.  More... 

The Buddha asked his disciples

“How long is your life?” 

They gave variety of answers – “May be fifty years?” “Months?” “Days?” “Weeks?”. 

He said “Wrong, wrong. Our life is only one breath”.

I understand from his statement that we should focus on every breath. We need to notice its change in speed, depth and body sensations like coolness and warmth. We need to do this as if we are enjoying our last breath in this birth.

A pastor

“When I wake up in the morning and find myself breathing, I think I am living today to serve some people.”

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Focusing on breathing
