Sexual performance – Enhancing 

First of its kind report about enhancing sexual performance from a client who attended two of my classes.

I used the breathing it to improve my performance during sex

I did your recent breathing workshop. I have applied the technique and have gotten these very positive results.

I combined it with a muscle relaxation exercise to get into a quiet relaxed state at nights.

I use it on the treadmill during exercise.

I am able to reduce my heart rate under stress.

I even used it to improve my performance during sex.

It was a great investment to learn your ‘easy as 1-2-3 breathing method’.”

Nov 2013

Update received after 1 1/2 years

“Yes, I still practice breathing at nights when I get stressed. I also do while having intimate moments with my wife and it helps to prolong the experience.“

March 2015


Walking like an Energizer bunny

Feedback from the same client. He liked the technique and shared his experience that you can below. He wanted to extend his practice to walking and wanted a demo of the practice. I showed him at my office and he recorded it. His message below shows he liked it and found it useful.

“I have been doing the walking and breathing exercises that you showed me in the busy and bustling New York City. It has helped me to cope with the stress of the city and to walk fast, like a New Yorker LOL.  In fact, I ended up walking faster than a New Yorker, more like an energizer bunny.”

Dec 2013

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