Select Meditators' Reports

I have posted in this page a variety of the remarkable experiences reported by people who attended my one time seminars and clients who met with me multiple times, some of them over many months. Many of them called me by my previous short name 'CS'.  I have changed my short name to 'Surya' to sync with my first name. The identities of the clients have been changed to protect their privacy.

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Blessed to have you in my life

Latha (name changed) was severely affected by insomnia. A brief background about our association: She worked with me for a few years in the company I worked for in India when she was in her twenties. She was sincere, hard working and smart. Her husband who also worked with me sought my help for her insomnia. I worked with her by email and whatsapp calls.  We managed to be in touch, in spite of the time difference between USA and India. On my request she sent this testimonial.

“Thank you so much for your time to help me with my insomnia. It is almost 10 months now that and I must say that being guided by you every moment with your regular follow ups has helped me get better by at least 80%.

Post counseling sessions from you, I learnt and practiced the following

1. Focused breathing: Counting mode, Segment mode, Tip mode, 911 mode . This practice has now become a habit, happening automatically.

2. Handling stress: Being mindful of the thoughts and penning down the same on a piece of paper for a thought free sleep! 

In addition to this, I am back with my Isha kriya, Yoga and Walking too.

I believe that any association during one’s life adds meaning and this is what our almost 2 decades of association has done. Added meaning to my life! Blessed to have you in my life. You helped us grow professionally and personally too.

I assure you that I shall continue to practice and overcome the problem completely!

With Gratitude!’

Dec 2017


‘Segment mode’ was my sleep medicine

Jessica attended my seminar at the Castleton library in March 2014 (Last name deleted). On receiving my email of Annual Update 2015 in January, her memory of sound sleep after the library seminar prompted her to relearn it, to get over her chronic insomnia.  It shows once again, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”.  The potential of ‘focusing on breathing’ tailored to the individual, is amazing.  This client called me 'CS' which was my prior short name derived from my short name in Indian style 'C.S.Rao'.  Now I changed it name to 'Surya' to better reflect my name for people in the US.

“C S is a life-saver and helped me tremendously with both my stress and insomnia. I would fall asleep completely exhausted and would wake up after about 4 hours of sleep, to use the bathroom. After that, I would toss and turn for hours, never falling back asleep. The more sleep I lost, the more stressed I would get and even more anxious. All of this lead to my depression. A vicious cycle which even medicine wasn’t helping to alleviate. After taking a brief class of C S at the library, I remembered how great I slept that night, after the class.

I contacted C S and he immediately set me up for an appointment. We worked together on the ‘Tip mode’ and I practiced that for the week . Still having some difficulty with falling back to sleep the next week, we worked on the ‘Segment mode’ . This was the cure-all! It has been the medicine I have needed, for a long time. This method helps me relax and fall back to sleep without spending hours, tossing and turning. The more sleep I am getting the less anxious I am and less stressed. My relationships with both my children and my husband are so much better too. I am not yelling like I was nor am I downright miserable either. I am my old self again, thanks to CS’s segment mode.

C S takes all of the time in the world, to help you and would check on me throughout the week, both by email and phone calls. He has a genuine heart and an even bigger desire, to bring peace to our world. May sitting at red lights bring you as much peace as it has brought to me. C S, you are one in a million...." 

Mar 2016 


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Recurring Headaches totally relieved 

Feedback from Krishna (name changed), a young married client who is doing my classes by skype and in person. His headaches were totally relieved in 2 weeks.

He came to my daughter’s medical office for his chronic headaches and received prescription for nasal spray for pain relief . I was checking him out the reception and could clearly see his anxiety, stress and lost look. I felt ‘Focusing on breathing’ may help him, gave him my key handouts and asked him to try the technique at night to fall asleep. He quickly scanned through the handouts and signed up for my classes. This is an interim report on his relief from headaches. He is continuing the classes to resolve stressful family relationships.

Before practicing this technique

He was getting headaches daily, lasting a couple of hours. Using the nasal spray prescribed by the doctor gave him relief.

What did he practice?

He practiced the ‘Folding mode combined with  ‘911 mode’ ‘Counting mode’ and ‘Tip mode’. He practiced at bedtime, on waking up, at work, biking to office and back and whenever he felt stressed.

Improvement noticed

Whenever he got a headache, he practiced the ‘Folding + 911 mode’ and it was totally relieved. He was very happy that he could control them without using the nasal spray. In a few weeks, the headaches totally stopped.

Oct 2015


Calmed my Mom having Alzheimer’s

Report by Zina (name changed)) about how the ‘Tip mode’ calmed her 84 year old mom suffering from Alzheimer’s. 

“I have just started using your ‘focusing on breathing’ relaxation technique very recently myself. But one day, I decided to do it together with my mother who is 84 years old, suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. She lives alone in an apartment in the Bronx.

I call her every day, just to stay ‘hello’ or ‘how are you’. Sometimes I get her at her worst when she is at her very agitated ‘sundown’ state.

One day, I decided to guide her through ‘tip mode’ of counting breaths technique over the phone. We did it together for just about five minutes and that calmed her down very much.

Later on, she even asked me to write the instructions down for her in our native language and mail it to her because she would not be able to remember how to count breaths by herself. Great technique! Thank you very much.”

My notes

Zina is a patient of my daughter Padma Sripada MD. When she came to see her last time for her headaches, Padma suggested she may try ‘focusing on breathing’. Apparently Zina felt the practice may prove helpful to her Mom, could guide her on phone and saw a surprising result.

May 2015


No more ‘Legendary Panic Attacks’

Remarkable feedback from Sheela (name changed) undergoing 6 monthly chemotherapy and CT scans for Lymphoma. She attended 4 of my classes   She was so terrified of the CT scan that she had to take sedatives for a few days before the scan date. She was in great distress even when seeing her Oncologist. The breathing techniques relieved both her ‘legendary panic attacks’ (her words) and distress. 

“Something so simple but yet so powerful…Thank you CS for giving me such a great tool. Previous to working with you, I had ‘legendary panic attacks’ when getting a CT Scan and even when just seeing my oncologist. In the past, I was prescribed a sedative that I would take up to three days in a row before the visit.

This time around, instead of taking the sedatives, I used the ‘Segment mode’ usually in the afternoon and every night before I went to bed, for several weeks. The week before the recent test which I usually label as my “Hell” week, I used the ‘Tip mode’ and ‘911 mode’ when I started to feel a panic attack coming on. It really did a great job of defusing the situation and helped me make it through the day.

The day of the CT, while sitting in the waiting room, I was using the ‘Feeling mode’ to keep the panic away. I actually remember using the ‘Tip mode’ in the CT scan machine. I couldn’t hold back every tear but my boyfriend who comes with me said he could definitely see a difference. I was in a much better state of mind when I saw the doctor and I didn’t have my usual ‘after visit cries’.

Now for my next visit, I already have less anxiety because I saw such a change in the short time we had been working together. So I know now that I have more time to practice, the results will only get better. I feel very fortunate to have meet someone like you who is willing to teach me. Thanks for all your help.”

June 2014


Anxiety and Panic attacks reduced

Feedback from a client around 50 years, a patient of my daughter Padma Sripada MD. He attended 3 of my classes. His main concerns were ‘Acute anxiety’, ‘Panic attacks’, ‘Stress’. He was concerned about the recent diagnosis of prediabetes. He lost 20 pounds after the diagnosis with diet changes and exercise but the sugar level was still high. He felt it may be due to stress. His acute anxiety and panic attacks persisted in spite of his being on Klonopin medication.

” My practice is going well. I am not practicing as much as I was at first because my anxiety has been better in general. Some things about which I was worried before, I am less worried now. I use the breathing techniques all the time. I practice when going to sleep, waking up, various times during the day etc. Thanks CS!”

My note

In the last class, he said that his attitude towards his chronic business and legal problems changed remarkably. He was now able to face the same old problems without panic and acute anxiety. He was able to keep his cool and even calming down his wife!  This is a sort of new life for him. His experience shows the amazing power of  these simple techniques. Even though he was on anti-anxiety medication for a long time, he continued to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks to a paralyzing extent. He was looking for something beyond the medication.

May 2014


Dramatically helped me when driving

Testimonial from a client who attended 3 of my classes. 

“My husband and I recently completed three classes on stress management and “focusing on breathing” with Suryanarayana Chennapragada (C S).   I can’t recommend it enough. In addition to helping me sleep better, it has dramatically helped me when driving.   I practice my breathing when I am stopped at red lights as well as when I am caught in traffic.   It really helps relax me and slow down.

I also practice my breathing when I am cooking, while at work and at night when trying to unwind from a stressful day. I practice my breathing on a daily basis in all types of situations and the more I do it the more I love it. It is so simple and yet so effective.   Hard to believe that something so easy could be so helpful. Try it.   I guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised.  C S is very personable, friendly and informative.”

Mar 2014


Incredible difference in my life

Email from Shelli (not her real name), a participant in my  seminar held for a spiritual group in 2012. She responded to my Annual Update – 2014 with this message. 

“I met you one of your seminars in 2012. I use your breathing exercises constantly. It has made an incredible difference in my life !!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!! “  

I was thrilled to get this unsolicited feedback and requested her for more details to inspire visitors to this website. She was kind enough to share these wonderful experiences. “I use groups of 3 breaths, aloud upon breathing out, in all different combinations, depending on what I am doing, and where I am, and for how long. 

When I am driving, I have to be careful to take breaks from doing it on long drives, as it leads me into meditation which makes it hard to stay focused on driving. The more I use this breathing practice, the more quickly and more deeply I am able to travel into meditative trance. I also use this in times of the need for more patience, for more empathy, for more understanding, to stem anger and any frustrations arising from situations, – basically, to regain my objectivity.  I also use it during exercise–walking, cross country skiing, and kayaking. It increases my stamina and is calming during exertion.

I’m not sure how well I am able to articulate how this simple breathing technique has changed my life. It has affected every aspect of my life, by changing me inside – both physiologically and metaphysically. I’m sure the chemical properties of breathing properly enhance better health and I feel wonderful. In conjunction with my spiritual readings and other practices, it is enabling my spirit journey. I feel much more in touch with my soul.” 

Jan 2014


The beginning of a journey

Feedback from a remarkable client, a Chiropractor who attended 4 of my classes over a period of 6 weeks. Immediately after the the first class, he reported big changes in his way of looking at daily experiences and his new style of responding to them. 

“It began with a chance meeting with a stranger, leading into a conversation of meditation and counting breaths.

Shortly thereafter, I was called to action after a road rage incident prompted me to move forward with exploring the possibility of living in the moment, being aware of all my actions.

Since beginning counting breaths I began to notice the color of the autumn leaves for the first time in over 50 years.

An inner peace was overcoming me while driving to the extent the radio playing my favorite music was perceived as noise.

At home, a more peaceful time was experienced, reading rather than watching the television. A sense of clarity and focus began to evolve.

My leisure time now is spent in quiet, conscious of breath with a sense of awareness I have not experienced in the past.

I’ve become comfortable with peaceful time, reading, which is now part of my daily life.

My counting breaths these days consist of calming and happy thoughts. I no longer think about the past or worry about the future. I work on living in the present, experiencing what happens in the now.

Through ongoing practice, awareness and an internal peace have been the one of the greatest accomplishment in my personal life…..and the journey continues.”

My note

This is another classic instance of ‘everything falling in place’ when the person is ready for change. As he explained in person – let me call him Frank, (not his real name), was at a party and heard two other people talking about meditation and counting breaths and joined the conversation. One of them – let me call him Alfred (not his real name) talked about my classes and techniques. Frank was interested and gave his e-mail ID to Alfred for sending my reference. Frank did not get the e-mail. But for some mysterious reason, Alfred followed up with something unusual. He printed his e-mail message and mailed it to Frank. When Frank got my information, he visited this website and felt this is something he would like to try. He has been coming to my classes and “thus began his journey” into the world of reality!

Dec 2013


Relief from Depression, Addictions & Anger

Feedback from a client whom I was meeting periodically on business. He initially practiced the focusing on breathing on his own from my handouts. He was thanking me for the help he was getting from the  technique. On seeing the remarkable improvements he reported like resolving insomnia and even getting off one of the three medications for depression, I persuaded him to attend my classes. His report –

“I have been using the finger segment technique for about six months and now taking classes to expand upon that foundation. As a result I went from 3 antidepressants to 2. I have found my desire to self medicate with alcohol and tobacco lessen. It is not to say that I don’t slip up. But I have gone from several drinks a day, to may be a few per week. Smoking is all but eliminated with the exception of the occasional pipe tobacco but cigarettes  are done. I can’t stand the taste anymore. 

The biggest change is that I no longer get angry as easily as before. When I do get angry, I don’t hang on to that anger. My disturbing thoughts and feelings are all but gone. It feels as though a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Now I am working on my weight problem and making life changes to live happier and healthier."

Nov 2013


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I finally had a good night’s sleep

Feedback from a young Engineer who just completed his masters and looking for a job. Seeing the great distress he was in, his friend, a patient of my daughter Padma Sripada MD asked me to help him.  He did three classes at frequent intervals, as he was to leave Albany shortly. He learned the basic techniques of 'focusing on breathing' and some loosening exercises of Yoga. After he left Albany, I am continuing to work with him by periodic phone and e-mail contacts. Here is his report. 

“Using the ‘Focusing on breathing’ techniques helped me handle insomnia and anxiety in a better way. For a long time, I always got anxious during those situations where I had to deliver my best, to achieve success. Unknowingly, I was getting anxious, failed to control my anxiety and overstressed myself. Due to chronic high stress level, I lost my daily routine and had very poor sleep. I became restless, could not focus and concentrate on anything and failed to perform even minor tasks which were easily handled by me, during stress free times. I figured out that I had to get back to good sleep routine to help my mind and body. Even after knowing this fact, no matter what I did, I could not help myself to get sleep, for more than an hour or two at night.

I was advised by my friend, to meet Mr. Suryanarayana Chennapragada (C S). He carefully listened my problem and analyzed my situation with great patience. Later the same day, he walked me through his ‘focusing on breathing’ techniques, one by one. His breathing techniques are “very simple to learn and adapt”. That night I practiced the techniques lying on the bed. After a week of sleeplessness nights, I finally had a good night sleep. During three more sessions, Mr. C.S taught me how to use the breathing techniques in various combinations. As per his strong advice, I consulted a Doctor who  prescribed a medication to bring my anxiety under control quickly. I am continuing both medication and breathing practices. My long term goal is to completely depend on breathing practices, rather than medication.  I totally believe it is possible.  I thank Mr. C S for his “patience and dedication”.

June 2013


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'Counting breaths’ during childbirth 

‘First of its kind’ feedback from Emily Marynczak,the mom of my grand daughter’s classmate at Robert C.Parker School. She herself practices the technique, finds it useful and teaches it to her clients.

“In my work as a childbirth educator, I have been teaching different modes of ‘counting breaths’ technique to my clients. I direct my clients to practice twice a day – once in the morning and once at bedtime. I also direct them to the ‘counting breaths web site' for further study.

Many of my clients report back that they find the techniques useful on a day to day basis, for calming themselves. I have also had at least a couple of women report back after their births that at various tough moments during their labor, they used counting breaths effectively, for pain management.

When the mind has an anchor, fear is reduced. When fear is reduced in childbirth, the sensations are much more manageable – and potentially even enjoyable. 

Nov 2012


I stopped smoking

I printed the brochures on 'Counting breaths meditation' at the UPS store. The cash clerk whom I was meeting often, became friendly. I found him several times outside the store, smoking a  cigarette. He was always looking gloomy. One day I gave him the hand outs (1) and explained the tip mode (3), in a couple of minutes. Whenever I visited the store for printing, I asked him whether he tried the technique and on hearing his negative response, softly urged him to give it a try. For almost a year, he did not believe it was useful and did not try the technique.

Two months back, he said he was practicing the technique in the visualizing mode (2). He was happy with the practice.

In response to my query today, on how his practice was going and how it was helping him, he said with a smile “It gives me good sleep”. And after a while, he added “I stopped smoking.”

I congratulated him and asked for the details. He said he was smoking 2 to 3 packs a week, before practicing the technique. While continuing the breathing practice, he switched to electronic cigarettes. Now he rarely feels the urge. Even when he gets the urge, he feels too lazy to smoke.

Oct 2012


I got the courage to take the decision

Feedback from a woman who attended two of my classes. She was in distress due to her husband’s insensitive behavior. She used to be submissive to her husband like a doormat. After enduring this for many years, she felt drained and reached a breaking point. She was informally practicing ‘focusing on breathing’ for some time, based on my hand outs (1). Now she wanted to intensify her practice and come out of her distress. She was already seeing a  counselor.  Her goal was to become assertive with her husband. She attended two of my classes.  One week after the first class, she gave this feedback –

“ I think the breathing helped me face a big decision I was afraid to make. It gave me the courage to face what I didn’t want to face. I made the decision and moved out of my home, away from my husband, for now. I’m not sure of the future but my heart told me, this was the right move for now. This is a very hard time in my life and I’m happy to have this skill to help me through. The breathing is helping me stay calm. ”

This is the first report of its kind.

Update in March 2013: “I’m doing okay. Still using the breathing techniques and doing yoga. I’m feeling much better and even a sense of peace, some days.”



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My depression has lifted

Feedback from a 70 years old patient of my daughter Padma Sripada M.D

“The ‘Focusing on breathing’ technique has helped me tremendously. Seven years ago I lost my daughter and I went into a deep depression and chronic anxiety, in spite of medications. I started to use the breathing technique and I got to say they were very helpful. For the first time in 7 years I feel my depression has lifted.” 

Sept 2011

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