Getting off the Hypertension Medication

Feedback from a client, a patient of my daughter Padma Sripada MD who attended 4 of my classes.

Before attending the classes, he was under severe stress due to his fiancée’s verbally abusive behavior. Practicing the breathing technique and adopting my suggestions for effectively dealing with his fiancée helped him take a decision to break off the toxic relationship. Apparently, the relief from breaking off the stressful relationship combined with the relief from overall anxiety by practicing the technique resulted in significantly lowering his long-standing high BP (Hypertension).  His recent mail reads as fallows -

“I met with Dr Padma Sripada this morning.  My BP was 140/90 – not too bad since I have not been taking my BP medication for the last 6 weeks. Also, I have been eating out for the last 2 weeks due to my kitchen being remodeled. She has lowered my dose and said that once my stress is over and if it is OK, I can stop taking the BP medication altogether.”

Sep 2013

I never had my blood pressure that low

Report by a client who attended 3 of my classes. “I have been on Blood pressure medication for more than 6 years. Over the last 6 months, it was 135/98, 175/124, 172/109 and 163/111. I was considering going to a stronger medication. When I got my blood pressure checked recently, it was 120/78.  I have never had my blood pressure that low for years.”

June 2013


Her numbers are coming down

A patient of my daughter Padma Sripada M.D said as follows -

” A young woman at my work was having hypertension. I downloaded and printed the ‘Focusing on breathing’ technique from the web site and gave to her. She reported after some time that her hypertension numbers were coming down.”


High BP at doctor’s office

A lady who had hypertension and regularly visiting her doctor learnt these methods attending my classes over several months. Whenever she visited her doctor her blood pressure was very high. 

She was determined to get over this and one day went to the doctor’s office well ahead of time and practiced counting breaths for over 20 minutes. For the first time, doctor found her pressure normal as reported by her with a beaming face.


Doctor puzzled

Person aged 50+, a chemist, was taking a 50 mg tablet every day for last 15 years for high blood pressure. Within 4 months of starting this technique, he felt so much relief that he could reduce his daily dose to 25 mg tab once in 3 days while checking BP regularly. 

His doctor was puzzled about this improvement. His total personality changed at work and at home. He became more responsible and less worried at work. He turned remarkably spiritual, sitting in meditation before his favorite Goddess Kali for an hour every day.

2000 (India)

He felt like stopping his medicine

Person aged 36, a contractor, was taking medicine for high blood pressure for last 2 years. He was very short tempered. He felt so much relief after practicing the method, that he felt like stopping his medicine. But on advice of his doctor he was taking once in 3-4 days. 

His anger almost disappeared for which he was very happy. 

Three more cases of such significant reduction of BP were reported from – a Chief Engineer, a record keeper in a Quality control department and a security supervisor.

2000 (India)


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