Able to meditate and handle thoughts

This is the second testimonial from Naveen (name changed), a Software Engineer from India around 30 years age. I have been working with him for about 2 years. We used email and a shared a google document. We met on Skype a couple of times.

High Body Temperatures

Before: Normally it was high. It was like I was holding the breath most of time before I started the ‘focusing on breathing’ practice 2 yrs back.

Now: I feel my body is at normal temperature.


Before: Thoughts would sit in head. I used to give power to them. One thought would give rise to another and another to another.

Now: Thoughts do come but I am able to see them. I choose not to react to those and move my focus back to important things.

Focusing on coolness during the in-breath

Before: It was tough at times. I would force myself to feel the coolness and get frustrated. That also meant that exhalation would be short.

Now: I let the inhalation and exhalation happen automatically. I don’t trigger inhalation process and let my body trigger it. This way, I can feel the coolness inside the nose.

Sleeping posture

Before: I used to sleep mostly on my stomach almost everyday.

Now: I sleep on my back or turning on right hand side. Still, at times, I do sleep on my stomach. But it is better.

Confidence in doing meditation 

Before: I never had the confidence that I could do ‘lying meditation’ after coming from the office. Probably with the fear that doing nothing will trigger lots of thoughts.

Now: I look forward to coming home and doing ‘lying meditation’ by focusing on the breath and relax . Gradually I find myself liking the lying meditation.

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