In this phase you don’t have to change any of your daily activities.

Sleeping meditation

When you wish to sleep begin practicing the 'Segment mode'. When you feel sleepy, switch to the 'Counting mode’. When even more sleepy, switch to the 'feeling mode'

Contact me if you face difficulty in falling asleep.

Back to sleep meditation

Every time you wake up in sleep, practice the segment mode NON-STOP, no matter how many hands you complete. Don't succumb for the thought "I completed 2/3//4/5/6 hands but not getting sleep!" This very thought will  delay the onset of sleep. Sometimes (rarely though), I completed 5 - 6 hands without feeling sleepy. But at some point along the way or at the end of 6 hands, I felt my body go loose, felt sleepy and soon fell asleep! No more sleep problems! 

Contact me if you still have difficulty getting back to sleep.

Waking-up meditation

Practice the ‘Tip mode’ or any of your favorite modes as soon as you wake up. Continue practice as long as you are lying in the bed. 

The waking up meditation will charge your calmness battery. It will help you manage the daytime stresses better.

Meditation becomes a part of your daily life!

When you keep on practicing at bedtime and on waking up, meditation will become a part of your daily routine. 

The above practices don't disturb your current daily activities. You are not even required to sit to practice. You meditate lying in the bed. 

Nothing can be easier!

Working meditation

When doing routine activities like cooking, cleaning, gardening the mind wanders. Focus on a few breaths off and on, to bring it back into the present and reduce stress.


Waiting meditation

We become restless and impatient when waiting for something. It could be for breakfast, lunch or dinner to be ready, a program to load, standing in a line etc.

You can use such waiting times to practice your choice mode and relax.

Traveling meditation

When traveling by car, bus, train or plane, practice your choice mode for a fatigue free journey. If you keep your eyes open, you can practice the staring mode. 

Stoplight meditation

When waiting at a stop light, don’t watch the moving vehicles or read the signs on them. Instead, keep staring at the red light and practice the 'Counting mode', till it turns green. Time passes easier and you will be less stressed.  

Stress-relief meditation

When angry, anxious, panicky or in pain, use the911 mode’ till you get some relief. Alternate ‘911’ with other modes till the stress eases.



Make sure you get used to phase 1 practices before you practice Phase 2 practices.

Walking meditation

To begin with, develop this habit while walking slowly. During the in-breath, feel the coolness inside nose. During the out-breath, keep repeating the number. Match each count with a foot touching the ground. Keep repeating the number till the out-breath ends. Keep walking during the in-breath without counting.

For example: 

Walk slow while breathing in. During the first out-breath, say, matching each count with a step.

Breathe in again while walking. During the out-breath, say ‘two…two…two…’ matching each count with a step.

Breathe in again while walking. During the out-breath, say ‘three…three…three…’ matching each count with a step.

Repeat the cycles of three breaths.

After some practice, walk at your normal pace.

In a few weeks, you can practice even when running!


Workplace meditation

Practice whenever you walk in the parking lot or the hallway.

When your feel stressed, a part of your body feels tight, practice your choice mode for a few seconds. You will come out out of the stressful state.

Use a part of the lunch break for breathing meditation.

Before leaving the workplace, practice for a few minutes. This way you will shed the stress at the office instead of carrying it home and blowing up on the family.

Chronic pains meditation

Practice at bedtime daily.

Before breakfast or dinner, lie down on your back, on a carpeted floor. Cover yourself if you need to. Keep your legs spread out with a cushion below the knees. Keep the hands by your side, palms up. Practice the ‘Segment mode’ for 20-30 minutes. If you like the experience, increase to an hour. over some weeks.

Follow up with gentle stretching. Do this daily to reduce the pain meds.

Exercise meditation

Practice the ‘Counting mode’ or ‘Feeling mode’ on the treadmill.

When doing resistance training, breathe out during the strenuous movement. Breathe in during the easy return movement.

Sitting still meditation

When motivated, begin sitting meditation.

Sit cross legged on the floor or in a chair. If sitting in a chair, place a cushion to raise your hips about an inch over the knees. This will keep your back in a healthy lumbar curve. Practice the ‘Segment mode’ or ‘Coherent breathing’ for 10-20 minutes.

If you meditate twice a day, before breakfast and bedtime, your will become immune to all kinds of stress.            


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Focusing on breathing
