Your meditation has saved my life

This is the story of 'Pritam' of Indian origin (name changed), living in New Jersey in 2012. His wife was undergoing a great disturbance due to change in the dosage of medication for Bipolar disorder. They had a 7 years old daughter. He was under great stress due to this situation. He found my old website '' (which was hacked in 2018 and I switched over to this google site) and started practicing on his own.

He was encouraged by the slight relief he gained and called me saying he wanted to attend my classes. When I came to know he lived in New Jersey, I told him it was not practical to do in-person classes and I would help him by talking on the phone and using the resources in my website. Once he gained confidence in the practices, hopefully he could train his wife. He agreed and we continued working together for a few months. Following are his periodic messages.  I neither saw him on video nor met him in person! 

If I had learned this technique in my teenage It might have completely changed my life

Towards the end I asked him if he could give his testimonial. He sent the following. 

“Before I learned ‘counting breaths’, I used to run in the gym. But even after running, I was not able to remove my stress. By learning counting breaths from C S (Suryanarayana Chennapragada) I have been able to de-stress. ‘Counting breaths’ is slowly becoming part of my DNA. I have become a much calmer person. I highly recommend C S’s ‘counting breaths’ class.

I only wish I had learnt this technique in my teenage. It might have completely changed my life. 

C S is the best Guru I ever had, with lots of patience, extremely humble and always willing to help.”

Oct 2012


You are truly God’s messenger on earth

Received his hand written message along with a check for $101.  He called me “Uncle” per Indian tradition. I have not met him in person so far. When he asked me in the beginning about my charges, I told him that when he gets substantial benefits from my help, he may send me a donation to support the propagation of this technique. The donation he sent was far beyond my expectation. I told him not to make any more monetary donation and instead he could help in propagating this technique among his friends on-line and by printing the hand outs and sharing with people. His said in the letter –

“Dear Uncle

I am presently enclosing a check for $101. I will try to send more later. I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me and my family. You are truly God’s messenger on earth. Thank you.“

Apr 2012


You are a God sent messenger for me

“Let me thank you for being with me through this crisis. I have deep faith in God and you are a God sent messenger for me. My wife is much improved. She says she is practicing breath counting. I have not bugged her about the practice, as you advised. She wants to go back to work. I am worried what to do. My daughter is sleeping much better. She is counting breaths in fits and starts. I am practicing counting breaths which I need to do more often. Without your help, I would have been nowhere. Thank you.”

Mar 2012

Our situation - Before and Now 

Before knowing ‘Focusing on breathing

My wife refused to see reason due to her bi-polar problem though she has been under medication. I did not know of any way to convince her. I used to get excited and angry at her, aggravating stress for both of us. It was unbearable.  Under such situations, I was going to the gym and workout, for at least 2 hours. Even then, I was not getting relief from the stress. I used to wonder if I had to work out whole day.


I do not run to the gym or go crazy. I respond to her unreasonable behavior without losing my cool. I am able to argue with her calmly and patiently, trying to convince her. This is defusing the situation for both of us. My life has become bearable, thanks to the breathing technique.

I am now introducing this technique to my wife at bedtime, as she does not have good sleep. She is not able to practice the technique on her own. When she needs to sleep, I sit by her side and help her practice the ‘Tip mode’. I hold her fingers and give verbal prompts at each step of the practice. She accepts this help and is now able to sleep peacefully, thanks to this technique.

Feb 2012


Your meditation technique has saved my life

”Your meditation technique has saved my life. It has helped me survive the crisis I have been going through.”

He explained that he was practicing the technique at night and other times, due to which he was able to withstand the severe stress.

Jan 2012

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