Attitude changed

Here is the remarkable feedback from a practitioner who attended 7 of my classes over 4 months. It is reproduced verbatim, followed by other comments she made during the classes.

I am thrilled at my progress

“I would like to start by saying that I am a retired hairdresser of 35 years of experience. I have diabetes, high blood pressure, anxiety, overweight and a lot of other issues.

I was referred to CS (Suryanarayana Chennapragada) by a diabetes educator, of all the people. I know it sounds strange but she completely understood when I told her that I had seen many dietitians over many years, that there wasn’t much she could help me with, if I did not put my knowledge of diets to work. I knew portion sizes, sugars and all of it. I was wrong. She did help me by listening to what I said. She then asked if I was open minded about talking to a man who had helped her in her life. I don’t know if it was the right time to make a change in me or if it was something else but whatever be the reason, I will be forever grateful to both of them.

CS began by explaining that if you do not give yourself time to breathe, you cannot heal inside or out. Your brain needs oxygen in order to deal with life’s everyday problems. He gave me some breathing techniques, as explained in his web site to try and asked me to do them while I was in his office. He left me in the room alone to try them. I was amazed that I could sit still long enough to do this but I did and felt pretty good. 

I continued to see him on a weekly basis. I started in Oct 2011. It is now Feb 2012. I am now going every 2 weeks and I am thrilled at the progress I have made. So are my husband and daughter.

I am not nearly as stressed about everything. I have learned that I do not have to take care of everyone else in my life. I am not responsible for other people’s choices, only mine. I now understand the power of focusing on breathing. My family noticed that I am now calmer. I smile more and I laugh. I now enjoy taking a vacation. I do matter. CS gives you small things to try and that bring big results. I know that it will take time for me, to complete my journey but as CS says “Small Steps”.  I say to everyone that will listen “BREATHE”.

To CS, thank you for doing what you do so well and by that, I mean CARE about all of us.”


Some developments she shared during the classes

She was suffering from severe insomnia for many years, not able to sleep for more than 3 – 4 hours a night, that too a very disturbed sleep, in spite of taking strong sleep medication ‘AMBIEN’. 

Now she is able to sleep undisturbed, for at least 5 hours while still taking the same medication. She has now dared to asked her doctor to switch to half the dosage of the same medication. She is now determined to try this lower dose, bearing all the disturbances.

When she visited her endocrinologist doctor recently, the doctor spontaneously commented “You were somewhere, for past many years. You are now a different person”

Before practicing these techniques, she had severe anxiety whenever she had to undergo a treatment at her dentist’s office. She had to take an anti-anxiety medicine, to be able to go through the visit. But her recent visit to the dentist was all done without any such medication. She was herself surprised how this happened for the first time!

Before these practices, she was a compulsively controlling person. She wanted things done yesterday and her way! Now she lets others manage their affairs, as they like. She doesn't feel the compulsive urge to control them anymore.

When she organized a birthday party recently, she was calmly interacting with people, unlike her usual self. This change was noticed by her family members and they commented about it.

Her goal is now to “get off the insulin”. She is hopeful she can do it eventually.

She is surprised that she is now cooking smaller quantities and eating smaller portions. Her husband is surprised at this remarkable change.

Having made a beginning with going to the YMCA when her daughter gave her the gift of trial membership, she enrolled herself in the Y and going to the gym 3 days a week. She walks on the track every time she goes there. She is happy with meeting many other like-minded persons there.

Due to more awareness and self-control, she stopped snacking on chips at night. Instead, she eats an apple.

Feb 2012


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