Who said Meditation is difficult?

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Have you been thinking that you don't have the time to sit still and can't keep your mind focused? And so avoiding meditation?

You may be missing the potential to improve your mind, body and relationships at no cost. 

Guided by my destiny, I stumbled upon ‘focusing on breathing meditation', in a small book in 1996. It was "Art of living - Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka". In that book there was a chapter on 'focusing on breathing'. But there were no guidelines for a beginner like me.

I tried it in my own way. I liked its impact and got hooked. I adapted 'Focusing on breathing' to suit my busy lifestyle at that time.

I added the 'counting breaths' feature found online. Then modified the counting pattern based on feedback from practitioners.

I introduced using the fingers for a deeper impact.

'Counting breaths' pulled me out of crippling stress. In a few years, it transformed my mind, body and relationships beyond belief.

'Counting breaths meditation' as presented in this website is for busy people like us. We can practice it anywhere, anytime without changing your daily routine. Let us look into its practical aspects. 


My mind wanders. How can I meditate? 

It is not necessary to focus at 100%  to experience the benefits of meditation. You begin after accepting that the untrained monkey mind is bound to wander. You will put it through 'focus training' like putting a dog through 'obedience training. We use the dynamic ever changing process of breathing as the target of focus. 

When you begin focusing on the inhalations and exhalations your mind may focus say 5% of the time and wander for 95%.  As you continue practicing, the focusing my creep up to 10%. Even with that small improvement, you will feel calmer than before. As your practice continues, your focusing percentage will also improve. It will be thrilling to see that you can control the flow of thoughts by practicing this meditation. You are becoming a master of your mind, not a helpless spectator of unwanted thoughts.


Interesting, tell me how to meditate.

It is as easy as 1-2-3.

1) Every time you inhale, feel the naturally-occurring cool sensation inside the nostrils. When you exhale, say the number 'one' silently, as 'Oooone', like a long musical note. Saying the number should start with the beginning of the exhalation. It should continue till the ending of the exhalation. When you inhale next, feel the coolness. When exhaling, say 'Twooo...' in a similar manner. Feel the coolness when inhaling. When exhaling, say 'Threee...'  

Repeat the above cycle of 'counting three breaths' starting every time from 'Oooone...' and ending with 'Threee...'. Repeat as many times as you like.

2) A while after starting the practice, a random thought will pop into the mind. It may distract you from 'counting breaths'.  Getting distracted is not a sign of failure. Even veteran meditators get distracting thoughts.

Recognizing distractions is an achievement in meditation. It's proof that you are aware of your goal of counting breaths and the distractions.    

3) Accept the inevitable distractions as a part of meditation. Resume 'counting breaths' from 'Ooonee...', getting back to your meditation practice. Don't put any effort into breathing. Watch the breaths like you watch the ocean waves without pushing or pulling the water.

This is a free-style meditation without rules or restrictions.


Sounds doable. But I don't have any free time

You don't need free time for this meditation. 

You can 'Count your breaths' when you lie in the bed at night and 

If I meditate lying down, I will go back to sleep!

No worries. There is no rule that you have to practice this meditate for X minutes. You begin counting the breaths. Sooner or later, you will fall asleep without being aware of it. You may count a few breaths or for a few minutes before falling asleep. Every night will be different.

You may be wondering what is the use of this practice without discipline. The fact is when you engage your mind on the breaths, thoughts disappear and you will feel calmed. Your body will relax. You will fall asleep quicker, have less interruptions and will be able to get back to sleep easier. 

You will feel calmer when getting out of bed in the morning. You will love 'Lying meditation'.  You will get hooked on sleeping meditation and waking-up meditation!


Then what?

You can bring this invisible meditation into daytime. You can either count the breaths or only feel the cool sensation during the inhalations. 

Examples: Practice when waiting at a stop light. Don't watch the traffic. Instead, keep staring at the red light and 'count the breaths' till it turns green.

Do it when your mind tends to wander or gets stressed

Waiting in a line

Doing routine chores


Feeling anxious, Stressed or Angry 

This way, you will not be accumulating stress.


What are the benefits beyond better sleep? 

You will become a calmer person. 

You will be able to respond to situations and people with a cool mind. 

No one can push your buttons. 

You can control stress before it controls you. 

In a few months, you may become stress-proof!

Thanks, let me give it a try, tonight!

When you are ready, click on Focusing on breathing to begin your journey on a stress-free life. 

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