Lying meditation for deep relaxation

You can practice the ‘Lying meditation’ to experience deep relaxation from head to toes and tips. When you practice for 45 minutes to an hour almost daily, using the ‘Segment mode’, your stiff body that has been stiff for a long time, will become lot more flexible. You will be surprised. 

Following this meditation you can practice 'Gentle yoga stretching' to sustain the benefits


Lie on your back on a soft but firm surface like a carpeted floor.

Rest your head on the floor or on a thin pillow.

Place a pillow or rolled towel below your knees to relax the legs. Spread your legs at a comfortable angle.

Lay your hands by your side, palms up, at a comfortable angle.

If you are not comfortable in the above posture, adopt any other comfortable posture. Try lying down sideways with the legs flexed at the knees. Experiment and work out your own set up.

How to practice

Keep your body still. Close your eyes. Practice the ‘Segment mode’ to start with, for about 20 minutes. See how you feel. 

There is no lower or upper limit for the time. Longer you practice, deeper and wider the relaxation penetrates in your body. In my case, I first feel the relaxation in the trunk. It spreads into the legs to toes, hands to fingers and shoulders, neck and face to top of head. Its impact is unbelievable. 

If you like the effects of the 20 minutes practice, step it up to 30 minutes, 45 minutes and finally to an hour. 

You can feel its power only by practicing it for extended times as described above. 

When to practice

Practice when there is no chance of falling asleep. Consider the following times. 

On waking up in the morning whenever you have the time, like on the weekends , holidays or off days.

During the day: before breakfast or before dinner. It isn't advisable to practice deep relaxation with a full stomach. 

Practice like this twice a day on weekends. Then introduce the practice into the weekdays depending on your daily routine. 

The most useful practice time is when you return from work with all the stress locked in the body. As soon as you come home, eat a small snack or drink something, and practice this. Another great time is after a workout after the cooling routine.

In the beginning, you will be impatient thinking “when will this boring routine end?“. Bear with this impatience. It is a common initial hiccup.  Set an alarm to the targeted time. Practicing the 'segment mode' will keep your mind engaged.

In a few weeks, you will become addicted to this healing practice! You will reap immense benefits. Your tight, painful, stiff and frozen muscles will get relaxed and flexible.

Being self-aware and in control of your words and actions will become your nature. 

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