Visualizing a person's life-time video

Stuck with the negative images of a person

Sometimes we obsess about a person's specific hurtful behavior. Such memories overshadow their healthy behavior. We may dislike, hate and avoid that person. We are unable to get back to a healthy mental state. In such situations, we can try the healing practice of "Visualizing a person's life-time video".

Meditate on breathing to detach your mind

Choose a quiet place for an undisturbed 20 minutes. Sit with back erect or lie on your back in a comfortable posture. Close your eyes. Practice a meditation of your choice  for at least 15 minutes. My choice meditation is 'Segment  mode’ of 'focusing on breathing' for a deep impact. Your mind will become calm. After the meditation, practice the following visualization. 

Visualize the full life video of the person

Let us say the person's age is 40 years. Recall their hurtful behavior that you are obsessed with.  You don't need memories of past actual incidents for this practice. 

Visualize how the person might have looked and behaved at 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10 and 5 years. 

Visualize how they might have looked and behaved at 4, 3, 2 and 1 years.

Finally, visualize the person as a newborn lying by the side of their mother. Imagine their face. The newborn is sleeping. You can see his or her stomach moving up and down as they breathe in and breathe out.

Compose a video of the person's behavior from a newborn to an adult of 40 years.

Play the person's full-life video

Run the full-life video a few times to seal it in your memory. 

Every time you obsess about the person's hurtful behavior, visualize their full-life video. Then you will see that their few hurtful words and actions as a small part of hundreds of non-hurting behaviors.

Do you believe that the above process will release you from the grip of the obsession?

Imaginary birth-to-death video

If the full-life visualization makes sense, you can extend it to the person's end-of-life.  

Imagine them growing old and disabled. They are as helpless as a newborn for their daily needs. One terminally ill woman told her doctor "I started my life in diapers and ending it in diapers."

Finally, imagine how they would look after death. Their eyes are closed, their cold body is not breathing.

Every time you obsess about the person's hurtful behavior, run their birth-to-death video in your mind.

Your obsession may weaken. After several repetitions of the process, the obsession may be eliminated. You may feel like a load is lifted off your mind and heart. Your locked up energy may be released. 

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