Fibromyalgia pains come down

Here is a remarkable report from a woman who suffered from Fibromyalgia pains for about 10 years. She got mostly relieved from the pains by practicing the breathing and other techniques of this web site. She also experienced significant behavioral change. She attended only my introductory session and then practiced on her own, using the contents of this web site.

Fibromyalgia pains of 10 years 

“I am a very hyperactive person and have been fighting Fibromyalgia pains for about 10 years. For my fibromyalgia, my doctors suggested medication and advised me to be active. I do not like taking medications, hence I ruled out that option. I heard from friends that Yoga would help. I tried it but I kept spraining myself. I also tried meditation but couldn’t control the brain activity.

We live in New Jersey. Our family visited Albany NY in March 2012. When our friend there heard about my Fibromyalgia pains, he suggested to talk to Suryanarayana Chennapragada (C S) about the technique called “Focusing on Breathing” that he was teaching. I had not heard of this technique before. When I called C S, he readily offered to teach this technique to me and my husband. During his two hour session, we were taught different ways of concentrating on our breathing.

How did she practice 

I have been practicing the breathing technique every day, for the past 3 months. I practice it when I feel like I am getting stressed out. I always practice before going to bed. I use it during work, on my way to work, while driving kids around and when I go to bed. I also practice sitting meditation described in his website.

Benefits in the last three months

I have seen a tremendous change in me. It has helped me to be calm. Most of my fibromyalgia pains have come down. My family and friends have also commented about the change they saw in me. What I like most about the technique is that by using it, I can now calm myself on my own and take the stress away.

Even though I was at first apprehensive about trying this unknown technique, I am a big fan of it now. It gives me the independence from pain. It has also taught me to rely on myself. My husband also uses the technique and he says it has helped him as well.

I thank C S for teaching me this technique and having the patience to follow up with me.”

June 2012

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