
Family of 3

The family of 3 (Father, mother and teenage son) came for the second class after a month. Their feedback is posted below.


I practiced

Counting mode when tired. (Father)

Counting mode during bedtime (Mother)  

Counting mode at bedtime, Feeling mode at bedtime and when doing exercise. (son)

Improvements noticed

Quick relaxation, able to fall asleep when unable to (Father)

Good sound sleep, I am waking up directly at 5 am on the morning without any sleep interruption in between. It is making me my day active. (Mother)

Relaxation, Quicker to fall asleep. (Son)

My goals in life 

Confidently talk without getting stressed out. (Father)

To be active in my daily chores and show more interest in learning new things. (Mother)

More gym time, Reduce laziness, Healthier diet, Conversation skills improvement. (Son)  


Today's take home ideas

Practice '911 mode' when extremely stressed,  Practice 'Tip mode' when waking up in the morning, Practice 'Staring mode' when stopped at a red light. (Father)

Practice 'Sleeping meditation' using the segment mode, Waking up meditation and Routine meditation. (Mother)

Tip mode, Segment mode, Staring mode, Feeling mode,911 mode, Eating meditation, Sleeping meditation.  (Son)

Rating of today's session

Very useful (Father and mother)

Useful (Son)

I would like to learn more by 

Watching videos (Father)

Watching videos, Through demonstrations (Mother)

Watching videos (Son)    


They learned all the modes of focusing on breathing. All three of them willingly exchanged their completed feedback forms after filling out the check-In items and again at the end of the session. 

I learned about how their younger son's special needs situation. We discussed how he can be helped by improving the way they listen and speak to hm. We agreed that we will work on learning new skills towards this goal to reduce their stress and of their special son.    

 June 30, 2024 

A family of husband, wife and their teenage son were introduced to the 'Counting mode'.  The parents wanted their son to be more focused on his studies so that he would score high in his academics. They said he would study for 1/2 hour, get distracted  by looking into his phone, not putting full attention on his studies though he had the potential. They thought his focus may improve if he would practice meditation. 

They had another son on the elevated end of spectrum. He was not willing to learn the meditation. He was asked to sit outside and keep himself engaged with the phone.

The parents and teenage son were trained only in the 'counting mode'. It was agreed that they would come for the follow up class at an unspecified date.   

May 29, 2024

Family of 3 (Two sessions) 

A teenage daughter visited my table at the Health Fair in May 2023 and saw the books on meditation, domestic violence, parenting etc.  She said she wanted to talk about domestic violence. Soon her mother came and told me her daughter is very much emotionally disturbed. Then we met a couple of times with the parents and daughter at my daughter's medical office. A summary of their feedback follows. Scanned images of the feedback forms

What I like about this meditation

I can do it anytime. 

Meditate without taking time to sit and do it. 

Keeps me calm.

Easy to follow, not complicated 

I want to try this meditation at these times

Bedtime x4

Waking up x 3

Waiting x 1

Stressed x 3

I would like to try this meditation to help me with 

Calming my thoughts

Anxiety, Procrastination

Stress management

When I overthink and when I get angry, I want to meditate and then think, so I can think clearly. 

Workshop evaluation

Very satisfied x 3

Satisfied x1


Thank you so much.

Very calming experience, mind is clear. 

Aug 2023

Family with a son on the spectrum 

At-home seminar was offered to the parents and their son Grade 1 attending special Ed classes. The parents were trained in the basic modes. They were advised to introduce the Folding mode to  their son at bedtime. 

March 2014

Family of Dr Sai Gandham MD (Ophthalmology) 

His family and relatives (6) visiting from India were trained. One of the family member was an OB-Gyn in India. 

Thanksgiving family gathering

26 adults and 16 teens were trained in the house of Dr. Swatantra Mitta M.D

Nov 2003

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Meditation workshops
