I decided to take charge of my health 

I decided to take charge of my health before it took charge of me

Report from one of my online clients from New Jersey. He practiced ‘counting breaths’ and got remarkable relief from stress. In one of his emails, he mentioned that proper diet was very important for good health. I was curious as I have been focusing on nutritional aspects recently. On my request, he shared the following details of the diet changes he made and the benefits gained.

It is interesting that he says ‘counting breaths’ meditation endowed him with the will power needed to sustain the remarkable diet changes. I thank him for sharing his experience and hope it would inspire some visitors.


What was your diet before and now?


Before: Coffee and Cereal

Now: Oatmeal with almonds, walnuts, chia seeds (3) and one fruit – apple or pear


Before: Chicken turkey sandwiches, Pizza

Now: Salad with different raw vegetables without any dressing


Before: Donuts

Now: Salad and sometimes, yogurt with flaxseed (4) and almonds


Before: Four chapatis (Indian style flatbreads) and vegetables

Now: Two chapatis with cooked and raw vegetables, soy milk or almond milk


Where did you get the knowledge about the diet changes?

From the book “The complete handbook of Nature cure” (6) sent by my brother from India.

When did you make these diet changes?

        April 2012.

What prompted or inspired you to make these big changes?

I saw too many health issue around me. My Dad died due to stroke in Oct 2011. Looking around I decided to take charge of my health before my health took charge of me.

Have you been able to sustain the changes?

I am trying to. On weekends when I go to somebody’s house, I might deviate from my diet.

Do you think you will be able to keep up these changes?

I am praying and hoping that I keep up my determination. It needs a lot of will power. That is where counting breaths (1) meditation helps me.

What improvements have you noticed due to the diet changes?

I found that eating more raw vegetables coupled with ‘counting breaths’ made me less tired.

Breathing easier while doing counting breaths. Before, I could not breath at times, get restless in mind and drink lots of coffee.

I am calmer than before, even in desperate situations at work.

I take every day as it comes

Less worry

Calmer than before at home 

What was your weight before and now?

Before - 185 Lb

Now - 148  Lb

Lost - 37 lb 

Jan 2013

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