Basic-Management-Concepts - 12 Slides.pdf

These concepts helped me bring about radical changes in the public and private sector companies that I worked for.   

12 Slides: WHY, Dynamic management, The manager's job, Successful leader, A system, The executive process, The three dimensions of management,  The leader's job, The 'why' chart, The roots of problems, How can a manager...

Secrets of my success 

In 2023 one of my ex-colleague asked me to share the secrets of my success. After scratching my head, I came up with the following, based on my experiences as a first line engineer to Head of Engineering and also on inspired by my experience as an Industrial Engineer.

Not being afraid to question what doesn't make sense 

Recurring problems which cause only a minor impact

After identifying such problems I used to endlessly analyze them to arrive at their root causes, find solutions, implement those solutions, educate the people at all levels and make sure such problems won't arise after I moved out of that department. 

Major failures

Breakdowns and accidents that never occurred for many years after commissioning the plant and then from a certain point,  occurring at periodic intervals causing huge losses.

Apparent design deficiencies

Correcting design deficiencies based on repetitive failures and correcting them across all such equipment. 

Open discussion

As the Engineering head I organized first-of-its-kind meetings involving people from all the departments to discuss the major setbacks like Turbogenerator tripping that led to stoppage of production in several parts of the plant. The meetings were in my small room attended by employees and supervisors of the affected shift who had first information of the incident, section managers and  heads of  the departments. All the departments - mechanical, electrical and instrumentation departments  were present  in these meetings. The room became hot and sweaty as there was only a window air conditioner for about 15 people. 

On the day of my post-retirement farewell dinner some young engineers told me that because of those meetings they realized the complexity and interdependence of all the sub systems  and respective departments. 

One key feature of these meetings was no blaming, finger pointing and personality clashes. I listed out on the white board behind my desk, the observations, likely causes, tentative remedial actions and finally allotting the responsibility for implementing the identified actions to individuals by name and likely date. 

First hand observations

To get reliable information about targeted problems,  I  observed what was happening in minute detail.  I used to spend many extra hours on this R&D work without which they would not have been resolved on a permanent basis. 

(To be continued) 
