Migraine – Relief from

Reduced the strong medicine

A lady of age 86 attended several of my classes with the hope of getting rid of her migraines that bothered her from age 11 intermittently. For many years she used to take one light medicine daily and one strong medicine 9 pills a month, to control acute attacks. She was very scared of running out of the strong medicine which could be procured only after her doctor fought with her insurance company. She was very regular in her practice and reported after about 8 months happily that she could reduce the strong medicine to 6 pills a month and no longer worried about running out of it.



Migraine pains totally stopped

A man 53, retired from the defense forces was suffering from migraine every week lasting for a day for more than 30 years. He was not taking any medicine and bearing the pain as the pain killers were making him drowsy. Within 2 months of practicing the method, his migraines totally stopped and did not recur even once in last 6 months. He started practicing the method for mental comfort without expecting any relief from migraine. This benefit came as a pleasant side effect!

India 2000


Migraines frequency and intensity reduced

A woman 45, a working lady was suffering from Migraine every day in the evening lasting for whole night for 2 Years. She was taking a pain killer every day after returning from work. Even then, she had to twist a towel around her head to bear the pain. After she started practicing this meditation the frequency and intensity of pain gradually reduced. In about 4 months, she was getting the pain only 2-3 times a month instead of all 30 days.

India 2000


Migraines totally stopped

A man 35, was suffering from Migraine once in 15 days lasting 2-3 days for the last 3 years. He was bearing the pain without taking any medicine. Within 2 months of practicing this method, his Migraine totally disappeared without any recurrence even once.

India 2000


Getting migraine pain rarely

A man 47, was suffering from Migraine every day or two, starting in the evening and lasting throughout the night for about 2 years. He was not taking any medicine. He practiced the method without any expectation of relief from migraine. Now he is getting the pain rarely and intensity is very light.

India 2000


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Benefits - Relief from Addictions to Will power

Relief from 'acute and chronic pains’ 
