I struck gold in 'Counting breaths'

This is a two part feedback from Naveen (name changed), a Software Engineer from India about 30 years age. He searched on- line for such techniques, found my then website and emailed me. 

Initial email contact

“I have been trying to practice ‘focusing on breathing’. I want to improve my practice and gain better results. I am looking for more guidelines and motivation from you. “

We exchanged emails for 9 months. He raised numerous doubts about the practical aspects of ‘focusing on breathing’ . His problems were compounded by intense self doubts. He did a service to others by persistently seeking clarity on minute aspects of the practice. 

He was one of my unique clients. He extensively studied these webpages, sought my support and made wonderful use of both. He gradually got over his most pressing problems.  His success story may inspire young people looking for simple and no-hassle techniques, to lead a stress-free life. I made cosmetic changes to his testimonial.

Oct 2014 

I struck gold in the form of “Counting breaths”

I thank Suryanarayana Chennapragada (C S) for sharing plethora of knowledge on the internet for the benefit of every human being. I still remember the day I struck gold in the form of “Counting breaths” presented in such a simple manner.

I practiced these modes and techniques

Segment mode 

Counting mode 

Feeling mode

‘Waking up postures on the bed’ (Sometimes) 

‘Yoga stretching movements – Standing 

My practice times 


Driving/ traveling

On returning home from work





Every time I read his articles, I unearth something new. Here are a few of his thoughts that got stuck in my mind.

Thoughts are like clouds

Humans are designed to focus intensely on negative thoughts as a safety mechanism. Negative thoughts can’t harm us in any manner. We don’t have to be afraid of them or hate them. When they bother you, distract your mind by ‘focusing on breathing’.

Feel the coolness inside the nose during the in-breath and count during the out-breath!! This has become my slogan.

Have patience. Tirelessly focus on the breath.

Pat yourself for even small successes.

The benefits I gained 

I find improvement in Anxiety, Confidence, Disturbing Thoughts/Feelings, Focus.

I realize lot of things happening in my body like not breathing well and getting indications to go and take rest. 🙂

Have more patience in dealing with people.

Am able to differentiate between useful and useless thoughts. I had negative thoughts very  often. I still get them but I change my focus to the breath and they get reduced. 60 % improved.

Sleep: My sleep was not good. It has improved in hours and quality by 80 %. 🙂 

I was not feeling fresh. Now  I feel fresh after focusing on breath. 70 % improved.

I have a tool to calm my mind and relax my body.

Improved my focus on the task in hand.


Interesting aspects of ‘C S’ 

Though he is in a different part of the world, he never missed responding to my numerous questions, fears and doubts. I never met him personally but have an unbreakable bond with him. He has a special place in my life. Though I do not communicate with him for days, he is always at the back of my mind. Amazing!! Great service to humanity !!! God bless him.”

Dec 2015

Able to meditate, handle thoughts

This is the second testimonial from Naveen (name changed), a Software Engineer from India around 30 years age. I have been working with him for about 2 years. We used email and a shared google document. We met on Skype a couple of times.

High Body Temperatures

Before: Normally it was high. It was like I was holding the breath most of time before I started the ‘focusing on breathing’ practice 2 years back.

Now: I feel my body is at normal temperature.


Before: Thoughts would sit in head. I used to give power to them. One thought would give rise to another and another to another.

Now: Thoughts do come but I am able to see them. I choose not to react to those and move my focus back to important things.

Focusing on coolness during the in-breath

Before: It was tough at times. I would force myself to feel the coolness and get frustrated. That also meant that exhalation would be short.

Now: I let the inhalation and exhalation happen automatically. I don’t trigger inhalation process and let my body trigger it. This way, I can feel the coolness inside the nose.

Sleeping posture

Before: I used to sleep mostly on my stomach almost everyday.

Now: I sleep on my back or turning on right hand side. Still, at times, I do sleep on my stomach. But it is better.

Confidence in doing meditation

Before: I never had the confidence that I could do ‘lying meditation’ after coming from the office. Probably due to the fear that doing nothing will trigger lots of thoughts.

Now: I look forward to coming home and doing ‘lying meditation’ by focusing on the breath and relax. Gradually I find myself liking the lying meditation.

Oct 2016

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