Wellness centers

3M HIS Office Wellness Event 9/13/22  (x11)

The seminar was part of the wellness event for the employees of 

3M Health Information Systems Office. It was  attended by 11 people. Feedback summary follows. Scanned images of the feedback forms.

The workshop was for 30 minutes attended by 11 employees. A summary of their feedback is presented below. The link to the scanned images of the feedback forms is at the end.

I will use this technique to help me with 

Anxiety and over thinking 

Stress x4

Dealing with my daily stressors & falling asleep


Getting calm when stressed without resorting to the phone

My take home ideas

Try to do this daily

Use these techniques when becoming overwhelmed 

Finger counting/ breathing at bed!

Counting and Stoplight breathing

Tip method 

Practice before bed 

To perform this when I lay down to go to sleep

Workshop evaluation

Very satisfied x 8

Satisfied x3

Comments (if any)

Thank you x 4

Very good simple meditation

Very relaxing session

Very good! Very helpful 



Venture Inward 

10-9-17 (x5)

The second workshop on Meditation and Essential oils for sleep was jointly done by me and Glenn Kelly. Four women and one man attended.

I will use this technique for my (concern) 

Anxiety, Sleep

Sleep, Anxiety

Daytime relax, Sleep


De-stressing during the day

I like these ideas

Relaxation during the day

Can’t wait to try the ‘segment mode’ (2)

I enjoyed CS’s method of delivery – Calming voice

Waiting in traffic – Stare at the red light

Focus on breathing throughout any scenario in the day

Will be sharing with others

Seminar evaluation

Very satisfied – 5


Very informative and helpful

I am looking forward to trying this technique


Very informative, Kept it simple

Very knowledgeable, Humor


9-11-17 (x5)

The first of the two part workshop on "Essential oils for sleep" was jointly done by me and Glenn at Venture Inward on Sept 11, 2017 from 6.30 to 8.00 pm. Four females and one male attended.

I will use this technique for my (concern) 


Falling asleep and staying asleep

Sleep issues


I like these ideas

Breathing techniques

Focus on breathing and counting

Seminar evaluation

Very satisfied – 4

Satisfied – 1


Seems to work quickly

Very informative


Dec 2016 (x6) 

The seventh monthly class was of Dec 2016) was attended by 6 people. 

I will practice this technique for my (concern)

Sleep problem

Personal use

Chronic pain

Stress reduction and quicker falling asleep

stress during work

My ‘Take home’ points

911 technique


Seminar evaluation

Very satisfied – 3

Satisfied – 2

Not satisfied – 1


This was a refresher since doing the class 3 years ago.

Expect to use daily.


11-14-16 (x5)

The sixth monthly class was attended by 4 newcomers and 1 practitioner. 

I will practice this technique for my (concern)

Anxiety and to focus


Anxiety and Insomnia

My ‘Take home’ points

Counting the breaths using the fingers


Tongue behind the teeth technique

Breathe and relax

Seminar evaluation

Very satisfied – 4


Very helpful

Looking forward to attending another session


When did I practice?

Falling asleep: A few times -2

During the day: When I feel I have too much to do

How did it help me?

     Made me feel relaxed 


Oct 2016 (x4) 

Fifth monthly class was attended by 4 women attended, 2 newcomers and 2 continuers.


I will practice this technique for my (concern)

   Overall health – Diabetes, Breast Cancer

My ‘Take home’ points

            No rules – breathe

Seminar evaluation

            Very satisfied – 2


            Would like a mono guided meditation


When did I practice?

            Falling asleep: A few times -2

            When sleep was disturbed: –

            Waking up in the am: –

            During the day: Driving & At work -1

How did it help me?

            Helped me relax – 1


Sept 2016 (x5)

Fourth class was attended by 5 people. 

When did I practice?

Falling asleep – Frequently x 2

When sleep was disturbed x 1

Waking up in the am, a few times

Waking up in the am frequently 

During the day- If meditating (occasionally)

At work (many times)

Dental cleaning last week – was able to calm myself


How did it help me?

Calmed me immensely, Not as anxious

Quiet the mind and I fell asleep


August 2016

Four women attended, all newcomers.

I will practice this technique for my (concern)

Stress, Anxiety

Helping with sleep, Stress relief


Chronic pain (Fibromyalgia), Arthritis, Need to relax

My ‘Take home’ points

Counting breaths, Help to sleep

Better breathing techniques and understanding! Simple Yoga poses to help relax and loosen up.

Breathing techniques, Gentle stretching

Breathe in numbers, Stretches

Seminar evaluation

Very satisfied – 4


Thank you for breaking everything down in easy ways to understand.

Good for beginners and advanced as well.

I recommend this seminar to (specify the group with contact details if possible)

Work environments and Girl nights

Work groups

Anyone who has trouble handling stress constructively, To be concentrated and calm.


July 2016 (x3)

Three women attended.

I will practice this technique for my (concern)


Stress and Fitness

Stress and tight muscles

My ‘Take home’ points

Breathing and counting

Important to practice every day; Perfection is not important – Effort is

Breath for energy; Breath for stress relief

Seminar evaluation

     Very satisfied – 2

Not satisfied (She was offered a free solo class for about 2 hours to clarify all her doubts)


       Need more explanation for breathing

       Thank you, I feel great now!

       I am interested in joining follow up classes


June 2016 (x2) 

Two women attended.

I will practice this technique for my (concern)

        Relaxation, Sleeping

        Stress, Sleep, Relaxation

My ‘Take home’ points

Remembering to stretch am and pm & Various postures. 

Focus on breathing 1 breath

Seminar evaluation

Very satisfied – 2


Has helped me in many ways: De-stress/ Calm down with others, Sleeping, Focus and free my mind to give and receive Reiki. (This is her second class)

More informative; More effective than expected.

I recommend this seminar to (specify)

             My daughters, friends.


5-2-16 (x2)

It was attended by two women. 

3-24-16 (x12)

The fifth seminar was attended by 12 people. Scanned images of feedback forms.

I will use this technique for my (concern) 

Falling asleep

Mental relaxation

Sleep and relaxing

Stress and sleeping


Sleep and relaxation

Energy (mental), Focus, Calmness, Sleep

Stress reduction

Stress, sleep

Spiritual health

Relaxation, when stress increases

Family stress

My ‘Take home’ points

To calm ‘Monkey mind’; I like the idea of a back door to meditation. I am going to try this! Thank you!

This helped me understand meditation better. Breakthrough!

Breathing using fingers, stretching on Yoga mat.


Practice breathing.

Easy to do.

Several of the breathing methods, yoga stretches.

Stretches, Great breathing techniques.

Practice, enjoy, let it happen.

Don’t worry about your breaths. Some are short and some are long.

Seminar evaluation

Very satisfied – 12


I live in Cambridge, so it is too far to come for a meditation group.


I will most likely contact ‘C S’ to further the practice.

Very enjoyable, do-able, for all ages/ body types.

I thought it was great.

Can’t wait to teach the grandkids and use it for myself.

Would love to continue more workshops to add to what we have learned and make sure I am doing it correctly, to remember the techniques.


11-14-14 (x1)

The third seminar was attended by one young woman. 

I will use this technique for my –


My take home from this seminar  –

I can use this new breathing technique during the daytime at work when I need it most.

My expectation from this seminar was fulfilled to level –


Comments about the seminar –

It was very informative and even though I have gone through several meditation classes, this technique will help me concentrate on the breath better than I have been able to.

I recommend this seminar to –

Anyone in customer service


6-18-14 (x5)

The second seminar was attended by a 5 people. Scanned images of the feedback forms. 

I knew about this seminar from

Email from ‘Venture Inward’ – 4

My mother. The sticker “Focusing on breathing’ was on her fridge. (Her mom attended my previous seminar and collected the sticker at the end of the class.)

My expectation from the seminar is fulfilled to level

A+  4

A 1

I will use this technique for my (concern)

Anger/ Frustration – 1

Stress, Panic, Parkinson's

Worrying, excessive thinking, stressful situations, everyday

Focus, Relax, High blood pressure

Help with focus for meditation

My take home from this seminar

How easy it is to share with my clients, family and friends! I will use it during my stressful meetings as well.

Valuable info.

I became very relaxed. This contradicts the saying “If it seems to be too good to be true, it usually is.”. Great class.

Wonderful portable relaxation technique to help detach from daily stresses. Great suggestions as how to incorporate it into daily life easily and how to make it a daily practice.

I can control the situations with the breathing techniques.

I recommend this technique to other groups (name the group)

Senior citizens – Albany senior citizens & Colonie senior centers

School for special Ed classes


10/21/13 (x9)

Attended by 9 people. Scanned images of the feedback forms. 

The seminar is 

Extremely useful

Very useful x8

I will use this technique for my (concern)

Stress management

Anxiety, panic attacks, Stress

Making life more simple


Stress reduction x2

Panic attacks


Very good. Thank you

Very calming, easy to follow, CS made it seem so easy yet so worthwhile.

Fun, Interesting

Very well done, interesting


Yoga Bliss studio 

4/2/17 (x3)

The exploratory session at ‘Yoga Bliss’ yoga studio in Schenectady was attended by the owner of the Yoga studio. Amit Goel a Yoga teacher at this studio and a client. Summary of their feedback follows. 

I will practice this technique for my (concern) 

For centering

Relaxation at work, Sleep

My ‘Take home’ points

Practice 2x daily, Just use my existing breath, no strain

Evaluation of the seminar 

Very satisfied – 2

Satisfied – 1


Fabulous info; Much easier than I anticipated

Very nice and easy way to introduce people and kids to meditation. Accessible to all.

Thank you!!


Hope Club of American Cancer Society 

4-25-14 (x1)

My monthly seminar at the Hope Club was attended by one woman aged 70 who had surgery and chemotherapy for ovarian cancer. She is due for CT scan this May. Her sleep was OK before, but now she wakes up around 2 am and has difficulty going back to sleep. At end of the seminar she felt relieved that she will be able to use the 'Segment mode' to get back to sleep and reduce her stress.  Scanned image of her feedback form

She reported

Expectation from the seminar was fulfilled to grade A+.

She would use the technique for her stress over ovarian cancer

Her take home from the seminar was “Very relaxed. My shallow breathing has improved.

She would recommend the technique to her friend with migraines.



One woman undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer attended. 


Attended by a woman, a lung cancer survivor undergoing chemotherapy since last 6 months. She has severe insomnia and stress in addition to the side effects of chemo.

5-24-12 (x2)

Two men attended. One man had surgery and radiation for thyroid cancer and another was a software Engineer under stress. 

4-26-12 (x1)

One woman undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer attended to help with insomnia and anxiety. 

5-24-13 (x1) 

For a girl college student with problems of insomnia, depression and severe obesity. She has been seeing a psychiatrist for her problems. Feedback not available. 

1-26-12 (x4)

Four software Engineers attended.  Summary of their feedback follows.

The seminar was …..

Excellent – 4

I will use this technique to relieve my (concern)………….

Anxiety, Stress, Muscular pain


Stress, Sleep  disturbances

Stress, Anxiety some times

Comments/ Suggestions about the class (if any)……….

I also want to attend follow up classes to learn Yoga, Meditation techniques, Postures to release my stress, Muscular pains.

This is my second class. I enjoyed very much. Somehow I feel so concentrated while doing the counting breaths technique.

This class is very useful at this stage to me as I suffered from continuous thoughts in mind during night that caused a disturbed mind.

This class was so useful, I felt happy as learning this technique would be useful for keeping my mind in concentration.

Feedback email from one of the participants after the workshop

“I would like to share my experience after I attended the seminar  on  “Focusing on breathing” yesterday. I came to know about these techniques a week back through my close friend. I got the website information also. I did practice the technique on my own to get rid of the stress and continuous thoughts in my mind. These were making me sleepless for the past two weeks. When I attended the program yesterday and practiced in your presence, all my doubts were cleared. I felt more relaxed in my mind. I practiced the technique same night when I wanted to sleep and slept nicely. I practiced this morning  before starting for work. Now I am feeling more concentration than before. I want to continue this practice for better living. Thank you very much for your valuable guidance and providing the hand outs.”

11-1-11 - Children of cancer survivors (x13)

I made a follow up visit on Nov 1,2011 to the kid’s group. There were 10 kids out of which 5 had attended my first session on Oct 4, 2011 and 5 were new. There were 3 other adults. I asked each of the five kids and adults who attended my previous session how they practiced the breathing technique and how they felt about it. Some of them said they practiced at bed time and some said they practiced in the morning. 

One 9 year old girl said she practiced at her dentist’s office to calm herself. I asked her if she did it on her own or if anyone suggested she use the technique. She said she did it on her own. 

See the amazing implication of this report: The 9 year old girl learned the technique and experienced its impact for about 2 minutes in a 15 minute group session. She received my 2 page hand out on the technique.

She clearly understood the technique and liked that brief experience. She internalized the technique as her own self-calming tool.

She was so comfortable with the technique that she remembered about it when she felt anxious at her dentist’s appointment and used it on her own to calm herself!

Does it not make sense to equip every child with this technique, as a simple and readily usable self calming tool, available life long, at no cost? Is it not as useful as a basic life skill as important as reading the alphabets and counting the numbers? What an incredibly effective lifelong technique would it be, at no cost!

Some of the kids in this group lost a parent or family member due to cancer. As previously planned, I briefly shared with the group my personal experience of losing my younger brother of 10 years age due to drowning in a lake in 1965.

I shared the ‘Segment mode’ of focusing on breathing.


10-5-11 - Children of cancer survivors (x15)

The first workshop of 30 minutes to the children and their coordinators/facilitators at the ‘Hope club' of the American Cancer Society was attended by 10 children and 5 adults. Three of the kids had lost a parent due to cancer and other kids had a cancer survivor as a parent. Following is a summary of the seminar.

The participants introduced themselves. I demonstrated the ‘Tip Mode’ to them, using one hand. We all practiced together on one hand, vocalizing the numbers being counted. They practiced on one hand, counting aloud while I was watching their finger movements. Then they alone practiced the technique till they completed 4 hands (alternating both hands) counting the breaths silently. They were given the choice of keeping their eyes open or closed. Most of them practiced with their eyes closed. The practice lasted for about  5 minutes. When they opened their eyes, all the faces were smiling! This is a very common observation at all the workshops. 

I asked each participant to share with the group how he or she felt about the experience. They said that they felt relaxed or calm or good. 

I asked each of them to share when they intend to use the technique.  Most of them said they would use the technique at bed time. Other ideas were – on waking up, when angry and when stressed.

One adult asked whether the breathing should be deep or normal. I clarified that one should breathe normally. One should watch the in and out breaths like watching the waves in the ocean, sitting on the beach. This breathing is a passive observation of the in and out breaths, unlike Yoga breathing in which the breathing is to be regulated following the guidelines. The facilitators said they would reinforce the practice on the days the kids meet at the club. They would try it during the transitions from one activity to another.

We agreed to meet again after a month, to review the practice and share individual experiences. 

The Hope club is located at 1 Penny Lane Latham NY 12110 is a part of the American Cancer Society. It offers free programs to support individuals suffering from cancer and their families, including children. I volunteered to offer my periodic seminars and follow up classes at this place to help its members with support from Tracy Pitcher the Director. The children’s programs are coordinated by Alana Streifert.


9-29-11 (x1)

The seminar was attended by a 70 years old woman who came with the noble intention of helping a friend of 86 years who was suffering from chronic insomnia on account of grief from the death of her 55 years old son.  She wanted to see if this meditation could help her friend sleep at night. 

7-28-11 (x5)

A family of husband, wife and two teen daughters and one another woman were trained.  

6-6-11 (x7)

The seminar at the ‘Hope Club’ of American Cancer Society was attended by 7 people. 

Feedback summary follows. 

Seminar evaluation

Excellent – 5

Very good – 2

I will use this technique to relieve my (concern)

Sleeplessness, anxiety and stress level

Insomnia, Arthritis


Stress and anxiety

Asthma, Insomnia

Asthma, Arthritis


Comments/ Suggestions about the class (if any)

Very informative

Very clearly explained

Excellent presentation. I would like to have more sessions on breathing.


National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 

3-5-14 (x10)

The seminar was attended by 10 persons. Their feedback summary follows. Scanned images of the feedback forms.

My expectation from this seminar was to

Learn how to focus and relax

Reinforce my knowledge and practice

Learn to deal with daily stress and sleep better

Learn techniques to keep my focus

Learn techniques that will stay with me

Lower my stress levels

Learn a technique to use

Not sure

My expectation was fulfilled to grade

A+ 8

A   2

I will use this technique for my

Sleep, Stress, Migraines

Sleeping, Calming

Sleep technique and Reduce Hypertension

Sleeping problem & Stressful impatience

Sleeplessness, Every day living

Sleep and Relaxation

Mainly sleep but also Weight loss and  Stress reduction

Insomnia, Stress release, Mindfulness

Stress and Anxiety at work and home

Self and Family

My take home from this seminar

To make this technique a part of my daily routine so it will become a habit

I have learned an improved set of techniques to keep me focused while quieting my mind

Very informative, yet easy to use for daily relaxation

Practice, use these methods

Doing it when stressed “behind the wheel”. Like the idea of breathing rather than screaming at the red light

Use time at the  traffic light to practice concentration, Try to reduce my hypertension, Be mindful of breathing

This is a tool I can use ANYWHERE!

Very happy to have something I can use to help me de-stress

If you can count a breath, that is all you need to have a stress free life, if you use your mind (train it) on a daily basis

It was very relaxing, I hope to use it frequently

I recommend this seminar for another group

Holistic Nurses – Albany NY. I will recommend you to them.

Every one who breaths


Capital District YMCA (East Greenbush)

8 persons were trained in one hour session.   

GSK - Health and Safety Fair 

Participated in this fair at the invitation of the Occupational Health Nurse who herself practiced this meditation. 25 people who visited the booth were briefly introduced to the meditation. 

New York State Departments 

Department of Transportation (DOT)

21 people in Lunch time seminar in April 2004.

Department of Environmental conservation (DEC)

20 people in Feb 2005.

21 people in lunch time seminar in July 2004.