Earthing Therapy 

Sharing my experiences

This page is being updated periodically.

Request to readers

I suggest sharing this therapy after evaluating it for a reasonable time and getting fully convinced.   

If you are taking medicines for hypertension, diabetes , blood thinners like coumadin , thyroid medications or others, please keep in mind that earthing therapy may reduce the need for some medications. It is advisable to  check in periodically with your doctor and adjust the medications to avoid overdosing.  

What is 'Earthing therapy' 

It is to connect the body to earth to bring its electrical charge to match that of earth (that is zero volts). 


How did I know about it

While watching some talks  of Deepak Chopra on youtube, I heard him talk about grounded chairs and their significance. I was intrigued as I never heard of grounding the human body before. I searched on youtube for 'grounding' and found dozens of videos and documentaries on the topic. I searched online and found the earthing institute (non-profit).  After studying this website and watching multiple youtube  videos, documentaries and podcasts for a week, I was convinced that it was worth trying to see if it would help with some chronic health problems I had, as the one-time cost of the required items was not high with no recurring expense.   

My chronic health problems 

I managed to keep going with regular practice of meditation, breathing exercises and yoga. I thought that these symptoms may be due to lack of testosterone in the body as I had undergone Orchiectomy to control the metastasis of  prostate cancer. I have been under treatment for prostate cancer since 2006 and had surgery  and radiation previously. When I told the urologist about the joint and leg pains, he said "You have done very well with the cancer treatments and of course you are getting older!".  On hearing his comments, I thought that these symptoms were not unusual and it looks like not much that can be done about them. I thought this was how I had to live for the rest of my life. I cut down a lot of vegetable gardening and yard work this year. I didn't want to take regular pain medicines. My spirit was slowly sinking.  At this point, I thought that the non-medical, no-side-effects  earthing therapy with just a one time expense was worth trying. 


How I tried this therapy

July 21: I searched on amazon for earthing and found many product options.  I bought a grounding kit - a mat of about  2 x 3 feet and a connecting cord of 15 feet, that cost under $41.

I put the mat on my bed with its smooth side up, connected the button end of the cord to the matching button at one corner of the mat and inserted the pin at the other end of the cord into the ground port of the outlet near my bed. In the morning, I moved the mat to the floor and did meditation and yoga on it. Then, I moved the  mat to the chair in front of the desktop computer where I spent 3 to 4 hours daily.  In this way, I was some part of my body was electrically grounded for about 12 hours a day.  


How earthing therapy helped me


After three weeks of using the earthing mat, I felt significant relief from chronic and severe knee pains, leg pains and hot flashes. I am aware of many people suffering from such problems. I believe this therapy will help others as well. I would feel guilty if I keep this information to myself. 

Relief from severe knee pains

After about 2 weeks of regular usage as described above, one day, I was coming down the steps from second floor. When there were 4 more steps to go down, I felt a click in my left knee and the severe pain that I had in this joint for more than 3 years instantly disappeared though the joint was still stiff with mild pain.  I couldn't believe my experience. After two days, the severe pain in the right knee also disappeared. Both knees were stiff and had mild pain. I was not feeling handicapped with those pains.

Pain, stiffness and heaviness in leg muscles

After another week, I noticed a lot of relief from these symptoms in both legs. They felt lighter and had mild to no-pain while walking at home, hiking in the nearby park and going up and down the steps.  Before this therapy, I was feeling drained and averse to physical work but forced myself to walk regularly for fear of becoming more unfit. Now I feel a whole lot better. 

Hot flashes at night

These  were a constant problem for many years and affected my sleep. Now hot flashes are much less though my sleep has not improved. 

Please see the following section for updates on subsequent developments.  


Aug 9, 2023: Bought the book "earthing  - the most important health discovery ever!" by Clint Ober (founder of this therapy), Dr Stephen T Sinatra M.D and Martin Zucker. I read it completely and was convinced that this was not a health fad.

After I got remarkable relief from knee pains and leg pains, I tried it on the swollen and painful left index finger using 'Ground therapy patch'. I bought the patches,  attached a patch to the swollen base of the index finger and connected it to the ground port of the outlet using the same wire (after detaching it from the mat),  whenever I worked at the computer and even when I slept at night.  The swelling and pain of the finger steadily reduced and it was 80% normal after 3 days. But when stopped using the patch, the swelling returned. 

Aug 9 (3 Weeks) - When I stopped using the mt at night for a 5 days because I used the connecting cord to the patch on the swollen and painful left index finger, the right knee pain returned. So I have been using the mat every night on the bed and while doing meditation and yoga. After using the mat during sleep, the knee pain disappeared in two days.  I realized that I had to use the mat every night to sustain the benefits.  Every night I lie down on the 2x3 feet mat. In the morning I moved the mat to the floor and did meditation and yoga on it.   


Aug 30: I bought two more cords and a second smaller mat of about 14x24 inches to increase the number of grounded hours. I put this mat below the computer desk and connected it to ground using the nearest outlet. I rest my  bare feet on it whenever I sit at the desktop.  This way, I spend about 3 hours in the daytime with my bare feet earthed. 



I have been suffering from throbbing localized pain in the left hip and left ankle for many years. These pains have almost gone.





I  am finding that the hot flashes at night are frequent and disturbing my sleep.  It looks like the 'Evening Primrose Oil' supplement I had been using for many years helped with the night flashes. I will resume those pills asap.  The left index finger swelling has increased though the pain is mild as of now. 

I find one positive sign about my most concerning problem of sleep interruptions: I do wake up 2-3 times almost every night but the last leg of sleep is longer and deeper lasting 3 to 4 hours. This has happened at least on 10 days so far.  I have to watch for more regularity to conclude on it. 





I have been earthing intensively: 

1) Sleeping on the mat at night

2) Move the mat to the floor in the morning and do meditation and yoga for about 45 minutes.

3) Attach a patch, as sticky patch with a button that look similar to the EKG patches used in a doctor's office to a sore spot in my leg and attach a second earthing wire to it. Thus at night, my body is earthed at two different places in my body. 

4) During the day, whenever I sit at the computer desk to work on the desktop computer, my bare feet rest on the smaller grounded mat. This is about 3 hours in the day.     

8 Months (March 8)

11 months (May 2024)

From may 2024 I started going to the gym alternate days to strengthen my legs which have been wobbly. I was motivated by granddaughter Veda and daughter Padma. Working on All the muscle groups helped my whole body. Moreover it has improved my sleep a lot. I have been enjoying good quality sleep for about 7 hours every night. 

I continue to use the earthing mats on  the bed, doing Yoga and meditation and as a foot mat when at the computer desk. 


Reports from other users

I received some encouraging reports from a couple of users who tried this therapy on hearing about my experiences. I am waiting for them to send me detailed reports. I invite you to share your experiences with this therapy - positive and negative if any. If you permit, I will post your feedback in this page without your identity. 

From a relative in India (50+ years)

After 4 months of usage: 

Spoken in English and Hindi languages by mostly senior citizens. 


If you try this therapy and derive benefits please share it 

with your friends and family. 
