Acute pain

‘Counting breaths’ helped me calm myself during my mammogram

First of its kind report from a woman, on how she practiced ‘Counting breaths’ to calm herself during a mammogram screening. Prior to the screening, she was practicing the technique to get sleep and to be calm under stress. 

“I had to repeat my mammogram to clear the doubt of the radiologist on the first screening report. This time, more views were taken than before, some of them with extra compression, to get a clearer picture. In one of the views, it hurt and I yelled. One more hurting view was going to be taken. This time I didn’t want to yell like a baby. I badly needed a coping technique. The ‘counting breaths’ technique came to my mind. I immediately started counting my breaths. The hurting view was done in a few seconds and I went through it without distress.

It was a big relief for me to have this technique handy for coping with such a stressful situation.”

Jan 2013



Chronic Pains


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Oct 2016

 I stopped Celebrex medication for back pain

Feedback from a female medical professional, working as a research scientist in the department of health of New York State. She had a heart attack a few months before. “I started practicing ‘Focusing on breathing’ when Mr. Suryanarayana gave me the hand out on the technique and suggested I should try it for relaxation. I practiced it intermittently, during the day, whenever I remembered, using the segment mode and counting modes. Within 3 days, my back pain was completely gone, never to return. Before practicing this technique, I was depending on Celebrex to control the back pain. Now I do not need it at all. I feel stress was the cause for my back pain which was reduced by practicing this relaxation technique.”

June 2011

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Oct 2010


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 June 2012


Arthritis pains relieved

A person aged 60+ was suffering from chronic pains due to arthritis in one knee and one thumb since a few months. He could not go down the steps into his house basement and felt very bad about this handicap, having been a very physically active person all his life. The specialist doctors said only solution was to take pain relievers life-long.

One day I asked him to practice the relaxation using the segment mode for about 20 minutes in my presence. After this he felt real difference and was convinced it was something worth trying.

Thereafter, he practiced every day. He also practiced stretching as shown to him another day. After a few weeks he emailed following feedback

“I practiced breathing on last four days for about 30 minutes. I do feel the benefits. Pains are reduced immediately and stay that way for a few hours”.

After a few more weeks, he said he was able to go down the steps of his basement.


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