These practices have reduced my anger and road rage

Feedback from a NY State employee who had a busy and stressful customer service job. He attended a few of my classes in May 2011.

My ‘focusing on breathing’ practices

I practice the ‘Tip mode’ or ‘Segment mode’ to get sleep while in the bed and when I wake up during the night or in the morning and need to fall back asleep.

I practice the ‘Counting mode’ while driving or walking during the day.

I practice the ‘911 mode’ when I recognize I am getting stressed, frustrated, worked up or pent up with anger or frustration.

The benefits I gained

These practices have improved my self-control and reduced my anger. They have increased my tolerance for things out of my control. 

They have improved my health. I can feel the difference. I don’t have anxiety or chest pains or tightening, like I had before or nearly as frequently as before.  

They have reduced my road rage. There is improvement in how I react with or accept other drivers. 

I have improved my tolerance and anger for mistakes and towards the “general public”. They have helped me in my job and career. I think before I react which has helped me deal with “difficult customers”.

I just have to work on making it more of a routine so that I don’t have to think about it. I don’t do it as much as I should or need to!!

I really like your Is it a Rope or Snake story that you told me in the class. I just found that on the website.

I can’t thank you enough. You have helped me tremendously.

MAY 2011

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