Insomnia, Anger and Anxiety relieved (Dec 2013)

Feedback from a client who did 4 of my classes over 5 weeks. She had done the 10 day residential program of Vipassana 7 years back (1). She liked the program but could not derive any benefits from it as she had no inclination to practice it at home. Read more on this at (2). After she learned and practiced the ‘focusing on breathing’ in my classes she reported significant benefits detailed below.

She practiced ‘focusing on breathing’ (3) at bedtime, on waking up and when driving. She reported following benefits.


Before: Had difficulty falling asleep, waking up at least 2 times and not able to go back to sleep after waking up. 

Now: All the sleep problems are totally resolved.

Anxiety in the morning

Before: A lot of anxiety in anticipation of job relocation.

Now: “I put this out of my mind” she said.

Anger at work

Before: A lot of anger at work

Now: No anger at work. If someone upsets me at work, I let it pass.

She also reported

I accomplish more at work

Better focus/ concentration

More patience

More relaxed

(1) Vipassana programme at Barre MA


“Easy and Effective. It works! “ (Dec 2013)

Chaitanya Mudivarthy Ph.D (my nephew) posted the following recommendation for me on LinkedIn. I am delighted that he highlighted the most important aspect of these techniques – that it suits today’s busy people who can’t spare time for Yoga and such practices.

“C.S.Rao (Suryanarayana Chennapragada) is an excellent yoga practitioner. He is one of the few who realized the problem with current generation – impatience and lack of time to put yoga into practice in their daily routine. His solution to this is simple and practical – ‘counting breaths’. This technique works!

I have been practicing this technique since 2006 with great results.

I have suggested the technique to numerous friends with ADD, anxiety disorders, and depression. One thing I hear back is how easy and effective the technique is.

Above all, C.S. Rao is an excellent human being with tremendous knowledge in general in the fields of science, medicine, and spirituality.”

Chaitanya Mudivarthy Ph.D LinkedIn Page


Walking like an ‘Energizer Bunny’ (Dec 2013)

Feedback from a practitioner who attended one of my recent seminars. He liked the technique and shared his experience that you can see at (2). He wanted to extend his practice to walking (3) and wanted a demo of the practice. I showed him at my office and he recorded it. His message below shows he liked it and found it useful.

“I have been doing the walking and breathing exercises that you showed me in the busy and bustling New York City.

It has helped me to cope with the stress of the city and to walk fast, like a NewYorker LOL.  In fact, I ended up walking faster than a New Yorker, more like an energizer bunny.”


Easy as 1-2-3 breathing method - Previous feedback (Nov 2013)

“I did your recent breathing workshop. I have applied the technique and have gotten these very positive results.

I combined it with a muscle relaxation exercise to get into a quiet relaxed state at nights.

I use it on the treadmill during exercise.

I am able to reduce my heart rate under stress.

I even used it to improve my performance during sex.

It was a great investment to learn your ‘easy as 1-2-3 breathing method’.”

Update received after 1 1/2 years (March 2015): “Yes I still practice breathing at nights when I get stressed. I also do it while having intimate moments with my wife and it helps to prolong the experience. “

“It has proven useful” An LCSW Client (Dec 2013)

A LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) who attended 10 of my classes over 7 months wrote this in her Holiday Greetings Card: “Thank you for all that you have taught me about the breath in our “Classes”. I do use what I learned and it has proven useful. “

She had chronic insomnia and taking sleep medication for many years. She was in the habit of watching TV and reading a book to get tired and fall asleep. In spite of my repeated suggestions, she did not try the extended breathing practices to get sleep to be able to gradually cut down the medication. But when giving me the greeting card, she said she would request her doctor to reduce the dosage of her sleep medicine at her upcoming visit. Apparently, her practicing the breathing at all the other times made enough impact on her anxieties to think of cutting down the medication.



The beginning of a journey (Dec 2013)

Feedback from a remarkable client, a Chiropractor who attended 4 of my classes over a period of 6 weeks. Immediately after the first class, he reported big changes in his way of looking at daily experiences and his new style of responding to them (1).

“It began with a chance meeting with a stranger, leading into a conversation of meditation and counting breaths.

Shortly thereafter, I was called to action after a road rage incident prompted me to move forward with exploring the possibility of living in the moment, being aware of all my actions.

Since beginning counting breaths I began to notice the color of the autumn leaves for the first time in over 50 years.

An inner peace was overcoming me while driving to the extent the radio playing my favorite music was perceived as noise.

At home, a more peaceful time was experienced, reading rather than watching the television. A sense of clarity and focus began to evolve.

My leisure time now is spent in quiet, conscious of breath with a sense of awareness I have not experienced in the past.

I’ve become comfortable with peaceful time, reading, which is now part of my daily life.

My counting breaths these days consists of calming and happy thoughts. I no longer think about the past or worry about the future. I work on living in the present, experiencing what happens in the now.

Through ongoing practice, awareness and an internal peace have been the one of the greatest accomplishment in my personal life…..and the journey continues.”

(1) This is another classic instance of ‘everything falling in place’ when the person is ready for change. As he explained in person. Let me call him Frank (not his real name), was at a party and heard two other people talking about meditation and counting breaths and joined the conversation. One of them – let me call him Alfred (not his real name) talked about my classes and techniques. Frank was interested and gave his e-mail ID to Alfred for sending my reference. Frank did not get the e-mail. But for some mysterious reason, Alfred followed up with something unusual. He printed his e-mail message and mailed it to Frank. When Frank got my information, he visited this website and felt this is something he would like to try. He has been coming to my classes and “thus began his journey” into the world of reality!



Relief from Depression, Addictions, Anger and Disturbing thoughts (Nov 2023)

Feedback from a client whom I was meeting periodically on business. He initially practiced the technique from my handouts on his own. He was thanking me for the help he was getting from the technique. On seeing the remarkable improvement that he reported, like resolving insomnia and even getting off one of the three medications for depression, I persuaded him to attend my classes. His report –

“I have been using the finger segment technique for about six months and now taking classes to expand upon that foundation.

As a result, I went from 3 anti-depressants to 2.

I have found my desire to self-medicate with alcohol and tobacco lessen. It is not to say that I don’t slip up. But I have gone from several drinks a day, to may be a few per week. Smoking is all but eliminated with the exception of the occasional pipe tobacco but cigarettes are done. I can’t stand the taste anymore.

The biggest change is that I no longer get angry as easily as before. When I do get angry, I don’t hang on to that anger.

My disturbing thoughts and feelings are all but gone. It feels as though a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. (5)

Now I am working on my weight problem (6) and making life changes to live happier and healthier.

(1) Segment mode

(2) About my Seminars and Follow-up Classes

(3) Relief from Smoking and Tobacco chewing – Success stories

(4) Reducing or eliminating Anger – Success stories

(5) He had recurring thoughts of hurting others or himself, from his teen age causing him lot of distress.

Relief from disturbing/ compulsive thoughts – Success stories

(6) His original weight was 300 Lbs for a height of 5’7″, which is a BMI of 46.  He is making great changes in diet and exercise habits and started caring for his health like going to a doctor for an annual physical and getting blood work done for the first time on my prompting. When he was in deep depression, he had no inclination for improving his health or having goal for his life, even though he was under 3 medications. Now he has started sort of a new chapter in his life.



Easy as 1-2-3 breathing method

Feedback from a participant of my seminar.

“I did your recent breathing workshop (1). I have applied the technique and have gotten these very positive results (2).

I combined it with a muscle relaxation exercise to get into a quiet relaxed state at nights.

I use it on the tread mill during exercise (3).

I am able to reduce my heart rate under stress (4).

I even used it to improve my performance during sex (5).

It was a great investment to learn your ‘easy as 1-2-3 breathing method’.”

Update received after 1 1/2 years, in March 2015: “Yes I still practice breathing at nights when I get stressed. I also do while having intimate moments with my wife and it helps to prolong the experience. “


Simple techniques can help transform lives

Report from Padma Sripada MD (My daughter) . My comments are at (1).

“My female patient in her forties has been suffering for many years with anxiety, depression and insomnia, made significantly worse due to negative interactions with a supervisor at work. Her BP (Hypertension) had been borderline high at most of her visits. She was always visibly stressed and appeared on the edge. To control her symptoms, she was on two anxiety medications and a sleeping pill.

Recently when she came in, she had a very relaxed demeanor. She told me she was off both her anxiety medicines since she does not need them anymore. Her BP was in perfect range.

I asked her what brought about the remarkable change. She said she decided that she would change how she reacts to her supervisor. She would do the best job she can and not let anything else affect her. She does the breathing as recommended (3). She does not use her fingers to count her breaths (4) but focuses on her breaths (5). She finds that it calms her down significantly.

I was very surprised and happy for her, since her quality of life is significantly improved. It is a clear example of how simple techniques can help transform lives.”

(1) I keep copies of my handouts in each exam room and waiting hall of Dr. Padma as I work in the same office as manager. Interested patients pick them up on their own. The doctor gives directly to some patients like this one, when she thinks they may be receptive to such techniques.