Practicing this technique has a remarkable impact on some people with a dormant potential for spirituality. Some turned intensely religious or spiritual within a short time of practicing this technique. Their potential sprouts magically! I saw this in India and continue to see in the US. 

Sitting in meditation for an hour

A high strung chemist in India, aged around 50 turned intensely spiritual, sitting in meditation in front of the photo of his favorite Goddess Kali, for an hour daily. His wife was surprised at this sudden development. She worried he may become a monk abandoning her and their children. That did not happen. Full report "Doctor puzzled"

This approach to meditation really works

Alfred had great hidden potential for meditation. He attended 3 classes of mine and took off on his path of meditation, like no other client. He periodically shared his interesting thoughts and experiences on the spiritual path with me by email. I have compiled them in the following page Alfred's blog.

I feel much more in touch with my soul

Report from a person who attended my seminar 2 years back. “I’m not sure how well I am able to articulate how this simple breathing technique has changed my life. It has affected every aspect of my life, by changing me inside – both physiologically and metaphysically.” Her full report

An inner peace was overcoming me

Feedback from a remarkable Chiropractor client. Immediately after the the first class, he reported dramatic changes in his way of looking at daily experiences and his style of responding to them. His full report

Able to meditate and handle thoughts

Reported Naveen who found this website and me from India. More….