I am blessed to have your counsel

“I am blessed by your counsel and friendship”- said Anna

Anna (name changed) in her seventies attended four of my classes. One day she came to our office in my absence and left an envelope. It had a ‘thank you’ card and some payment. The payment was far beyond what she owed me for the used books I sold her in the last class. Her note in the card reads –

“Dear C S
Enclosed is my payment for the books. The extra money is what I wish to give you, for your therapy sessions. While you may not have a counseling degree, it’s no matter. You are a wise, intuitive, compassionate and warm human being. You and I know ‘the degree’ doesn’t always equal quality and common sense. You possess both. I am blessed by your counsel and friendship.”

I feel humbled by her appreciation and unexpected payment.

Anna's tragic life experience 

Her adult son in his forties Joseph (name changed) died under unbelievable circumstances, described by Anna as follows -

Joseph separated from his wife and shared the custody of their five year old daughter. He was under stress, having been fired from his job when he reported to the management about discrimination at the workplace.  

Anna visited him and granddaughter in Minnesota. One day, Joseph was driving with Anna and family in the back seat. For an unknown reason, Joseph showed his middle finger to another driver.  The other driver followed them in his truck. When they both stopped at the next red light, the other driver jumped out of his truck with an ax, smashed the rear screen of their car, pulled out Joseph out and badly hurt him. The police arrived promptly and took the other driver away.

After the near death experience, Joseph was devastated. He thought that his having a puny body was the cause for his humiliation. He resolved not to let anyone humiliate him again. He bought a gun and always carried it with him. Anna realized his acute stress and tried her best to convince him to seek therapy. But he did not like to do that.

One day, Joseph and his ex-wife were in a store parking lot, exchanging the custody of their daughter. His ex-partner took custody of their daughter and was backing up her car, about to leave. An unknown car driver who was behind her, beeped to caution her. Joseph was watching the scene from his car, parked a few spaces away. Apparently, he thought that the other driver was harassing his ex-wife and daughter. He jumped out his car with his gun, fatally shot the innocent stranger and then shot himself.

The circumstances which led her to my attend my counselling classes were also unusual as described below. 

Anna came to my seminar for NAMI Rensselaer County members in March 2014 and liked the technique. She enrolled for three of my Meditation classes at Venture Inward (a wellness center) in Nov 2016 but did not show up after the first class. When I called her in Jan 2017 to inquire, she told me about the tragic death of her son. I could hear her crying over the phone. 

I advised her to seek help from a counselor. On a follow up call, I came to know she was not inclined to seek a counselor. I then invited her to come to my solo classes, as I owed her 2 classes anyway.

April 2017

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