Resources on Breathing 

Ānāpānasati (mindfulness of breathing) Wikipedia

A mind you can count on: validating breath counting as a behavioral measure of mindfulness NCBI-NIM-NIH Scientific research paper

Relieve anxiety using breathing exercises Psychology today

Relaxation Response - Taking Time to Breathe: An easy way to reduce stress Chester county hospital - Penn Medicine 

Relaxation techniques: Breath focus Harvard Medical School

What Focusing on the Breath Does to Your Brain  Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) at the University of California, Berkeley 

Mindful breathing Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) at the University of California, Berkeley 

The alchemy of breathing Kristin Linklater Voice Centre Scotland

Why changing The Way You Breathe Will Transform Your Body and Mind with James Nestor 

The hidden power in a breath of gratitude by Rory Ledbetter - Tedx Talk 

Change Your Breath, Change Your Life - Lucas Rockwood - TEDx