Mantras for a cool mind 

Silently saying these mantras to myself keeps my mind cool

First get the facts 

Nobody asked for my judgment 

Nobody asked for my opinion 

Let me keep my mouth shut 

Am I telling myself an ugly story? (1)

It is all "in here' not "out there'  (2)

Not my problem 

Mind your own business 

It is OK

I may be right. Can I be kind?

I may be right. Can I forgive?

This too shall pass (3)

I can't change other person’s behavior. Forget about changing their nature. But I have total control on 

'how I respond to their (crazy?) behavior'

How can I blame a sick person for their sick behavior? And that includes acute and chronic mental sicknesses like Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, so on

Before pointing one finger at the other person, let me point three fingers at myself.(4)

I did a good job!

I am proud of myself!

(1) Inspired by the book "Crucial conversations - tools for talking when the stakes are high" by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzer). Also see my related article "We don't see the first parts of people's lives" in my website
(2) "In here": Whatever I am thinking is only in my mind. "Not out there": Whatever I am thinking does not exist in real life.
(3) This too  shall pass - My article in ‘counting’
(4) Try this: Point only your index finger at anything before you. What did your fingers do to point the index finger at something? First, the other four fingers form a fist with the little, ring and middle fingers automatically pointing towards you and the thumb pointing to the floor.  

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