Anger reduced, even eliminated  

Practicing this meditation has a remarkable impact on the tendency to get angry internally and also on the consequent uncontrolled outbursts. In one young man, this effect was seen even though he practiced only at bed time to fall asleep!


Anger reduced by 70%

Feedback from a Software Engineer who attended 3 of my classes over a period of 2 months. He was feeling angry with his wife for spending lot of time in forcing their daughter aged 6 to eat when she was not inclined.  He did not want to be angry. He also had stress at work.

He regularly practiced the ‘Segment mode’ at bedtime and practiced the ‘Segment mode’ in the morning only on weekends.

In addition to his anger reducing by 70%, he reported before practicing this meditation, he was waking up a few times regularly in the night even for small disturbances. Now this happens only sometimes.

Aug 2013

Anger, Anxiety and Disturbing thoughts reduced

Feedback from a young man who attended 2 of my classes after practicing the technique on his own, using my handouts for about 9 months. He reported improvement on a host of mental, physical and relationship issues. More….



Reduced road rage

A NY state employee had a busy and stressful customer service job. He attended a few of my classes in May 2010. His testimonial follows - 

My practices

I practice the ‘Tip mode’ or ‘Segment mode’ to get sleep while in the bed and when I wake up during the night or in the morning and need to fall back asleep.

I practice the ‘Counting mode’ while driving or walking during the day.

I practice the ‘911 mode’ when I recognize I am getting stressed, frustrated, worked up or pent up with anger or frustration.

Benefits gained

These practices have improved my self-control and reduced my anger. They have increased my tolerance for things out of my control. They have improved my health. I can feel the difference. I don’t have anxiety or chest pains or tightening, like I had before or nearly as frequently as before.  

They have reduced my road rage. There is improvement in how I react with or accept other drivers. 

I have improved my tolerance and anger for mistakes and towards the “general public”. They have helped me in my job and career. I think before I react which has helped me deal with “difficult customers”.

I just have to work on making it more of a routine so that I don’t have to think about it. I don’t do it as much as I should or need to!!

I really like your Rope/Snake story that you told me in the class. I just found that on the website.

I can’t thank you enough. You have helped me tremendously.

May 2011


Less outbursts

A technical manager aged 43, was very unhappy about his anger affecting his work relationships. He said he wanted very much to control his anger, tried many times but failed to find a practical way to achieve the control. In about 4 months of starting this method he felt great relief from his outbursts of anger. He was practicing the method while having his bath.

2000 (India) 

Simply could not get angry

A technical manager aged 30,  was getting irritated with his subordinates if they were not doing exactly as told. After practicing this method, he simply could not get angry at them.  But on the other hand, he started feeling that he should patiently listen to them to understand the problems due to which they were not doing his way. 

At home, his wife also started this method when he told her the basic method verbally. He observed that she became more patient with their 5 year old son. Earlier she was getting irritated at their son when he approached her for some attention while she was doing some work. But after practicing this method, she became more receptive to him and started listening to him and soothing him.

2000 (India)


He was famous for his short temper

A Junior Engineer 25 years, was famous for his short temper with his workers. His behavior changed radically to his great relief and also of his workers. His workers even asked him "what is the matter? you are not getting angry on short fuse these days?".  He was practicing only at bedtime for about 6 months.

2000 (India)

His wife complimented him

A chief of security department 50 years, retired from the defense forces was famous for his short temper and constant fault finding with the supervisors reporting to him. 

He changed so much after this method that his people became happy and also his wife complimented him for improvement of his temper.

2000 (India)


Anger totally disappeared

A Chief Engineer 45 years, used to go round the various sections of his department in the morning and wherever his people were found lacking in performance he was getting angry and scolding them, losing his mental peace and also making his people unhappy at his loss of temper. After practicing the meditation, his anger totally disappeared and he started dealing with them in a more fruitful manner.

2000 (India)

Was famous for his outbursts of anger

A civil contractor 35 years, was famous for his outbursts of anger on his workers. He also had high blood pressure and was taking medicine. After practicing this meditation he reported that his anger totally disappeared. His blood pressure also had come down so he could reduce his medication frequency from once a day to once in 3-4 days.

2000 (India)


Anger reduced drastically

A civil engineer 45 years, was very famous for his outbursts of anger on his contractors and workmen. After practicing this meditation, his anger came down drastically and he was very happy about it.

2000 (India)


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