Overwhelming anxiety relieved 

Feedback from Girija (name changed) a client aged around 40 years who attended 4 of my classes over 6 weeks. She is an active professional who was suddenly overwhelmed with acute anxiety when she received news of a serious health problem for one of their family friends. She looked as if she was in a different world losing all her initiative, causing lot of concern for her family. She came to my classes on the suggestion of her doctor Padma Sripada MD.

“I am very grateful to the countingbreaths.com website and the excellent counseling sessions with C S. I was under a lot of stress from an overload of business work, some personal issues and was experiencing anxiety and feeling overwhelmed when I first started working with him. I did not have the work-life balance I so treasure.

C S is very gifted as a counselor and a coach. Right from the very start, I felt an immediate sense of trust being built. He helps you to see and really understand things more clearly and deeply. It was especially comforting to work with someone who really understands anxiety and takes the time to help you understand symptoms and how not to fear them. I learned how to understand the symptoms better. He showed me different breathing techniques – which are now a part of my daily life. He taught me to take 30 minutes out of my busy life every day and give those 30 minutes just to myself. I still have a lot of work but it is better paced now because I also make a conscious effort to pace it better.

I would recommend the website and C S very highly. He walks with you, empowers you and helps you to help yourself thrive. Thank you again C S. I really valued the time I spent with you to overcome my anxiety issue.”


My notes (from the feedback she provided during our sessions)

When she came to me she was in total shut down mode at home with two children to take care of. Her husband was worried that she may have to see a psychiatrist and take take medication to get over the depression. During the classes I came to know that a few days before she came to know that one of her family friends in New Jersey had a heart attack and had to be admitted in the hospital in a serious condition. Ever since she heard this news, she was went into a shut down and unwilling to do any of the household chores. She practically did nothing at home. Her husband was very much worried.


What did she practice?: 

Tip mode, Counting mode, Feeling mode, Staring mode at the red lights when driving, Waking up postures.


Bedtime, Waking up, Driving, Walking, Waiting, Exercising, Working

What were the significant changes she noticed:


Before – Didn’t feel like doing anything, Keep on thinking what will happen.

Now – Bad thoughts are gone. Feeling very happy.


Before – Felt tired and didn’t want to play with the kids.

Now – Happily playing with the kids every evening.


Before – Less confidence in starting any work.

Now – Became confident.


Before – Felt very tired.

Now – Feel active from the start of the day.

Sept 2015

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Counseling Reviews 

