Emotional abuse by mom  relieved

Kaitlin (name changed) aged around 60, a single software Engineer, attended 6 of my classes. She was emotionally abused by her mom for more than 47 years. And it continued even when her mother was 80+ and dependent on her help for daily living. Kaitlin attended therapy but it did not help her get over this root cause of her stress. The following changes were reported by her during the classes. 

Before the classes 

Abuse by mom

Emotionally abused by mom ever since she turned 13. Mom used to fill her plate with food and force her to empty it. When she emptied it, she would fill it again. She gained weight. Then mom taunted her for being fat. She was always criticizing and controlling.

Mother’s taunts: She agitatedly spoke about her distress from her mother’s taunting words. She did not know how to handle her.

Insomnia: Not able to sleep without TV. Leaving TV on, reading, difficulty falling asleep, waking up 2 to 3 times, Not able to get back to sleep.

Anxiety in the morning about the work.

Eating unhealthy

Diabetic for 10 years

Stress at work – Losing patience.



Stress about job relocation.

Diet: Comfort foods like candies,cookies, overeating throughout the day.

No physical exercise.

Brother’s behavior was a big source of stress. Felt helpless against his cheating and irresponsible behavior.

Her ‘Focusing on breathing’ Practices 

Tip mode 

Segment mode 

Counting mode 

Waking up


I repeatedly introduced the concepts of my articles on ‘Relationships’ and discussed them during the classes to help her internalize them and use them in her interactions with her mother.


Mother’s abusive behavior: From the fourth class onwards, she did not speak a word about her mom. Instead she started focusing on her own goals like her obesity, stress at work etc.

Episodes of anger at work less by 70%. “If someone upsets me I let it pass. Only one episode in the last 3 weeks. Anger less by 70%.”

Anxiety about relocation of job is less by 70%. “I put things  out of my mind.”

Focus – Better

Patience – better

More relaxed

Overeating at night.

Not procrastinating.

Confidence improved. 

Assertiveness improved.

In general more active.

Accomplishing more.

Overeating in general: Less by 20%. Cut down on cookies and candies.

Practicing Yoga nidra.

Exercise: Started again after one year, on weekends. Stationary bike 20 min, walking 10 min.

Less body stiffness.

Doing ‘Albany peace project’ meditation at night.

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