If my mind is clear and my heart is clean, I am not afraid of even God

We face this dilemma many times, in our personal, social and professional lives. Sometimes,  we get doubts post facto, whether we spoke correctly or did the right things. We may be tormented with these questions "What should I say now?" or "What  should I do now?" Some of these questions can dog us throughout the life.

I found a way out of this morale sapping situation. I ask myself two questions when faced with such critical situations. First question: Is my mind clear? Or am I confused? Do I have the best possible information to take the  best possible decision under these circumstances?  If I can’t confidently say “yes” to these questions, I better gather more information to clear my mind. If I can say “Yes” confidently, I crossed the first hurdle to a ‘no-regrets’ decision and action. The second question is: Is my heart clean? Am I driven by anger, fear, revenge, hatred, greed, deceit or  such negative emotions? If my answer is not a confident “Yes”, I should hold my words and actions. I should wait for my emotions to cool down, for a few seconds, minutes, hours or days. I should recheck to see if my heart is clean. Once it is found free from such negative emotions, my heart is clean. I am now ready to go ahead because 'my mind is clear' and 'my heart is clean'.  I can now speak or act with the conviction.  What else can a human being do other than one’s best, with a clear mind and a clean heart? What is there for me to regret?  

If in this situation, God appears before me and asks "What are you doing?" I can look to into HIS  eyes and say confidently, "God I  am clear about the facts and I am not confused. My mind is clear.  I have no negative intentions towards anyone,. My heart is clean. I am not afraid of you. Please go after someone who is a culprit." I go ahead and say what do what I consider to be the right words and actins.  Of course my words and actions should be appropriate and considerate of the persons involved. 

If other people feel bad about my words or actions, their minds may not be clear or their hearts may not be clean. If so, they have a problem, not I. They have to work on their problems. By regretting about how others reacted to my words or actions done with a clear mind and a clean heart, I am fooling myself and not playing my proper role and not helping myself or anyone.


I told this concept to a woman who was on the point of an emotional break down due to the verbally abusive behavior of her boss who was a health care professional. She was attending my classes. Within two weeks of adopting this strategy and a few more such concepts, she reported tremendous relief. She was no more afraid of her boss.  She now speaks boldly  to him, as she feels ‘Her mind is clear and heart is clean’. I was surprised how effective this concept proved to be for her, having suffered from the abusive behavior of her boss for more than two years. Here is her wonderful testimonial  "I rebuilt my broken spirit".

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