Relief from In-laws' abuse

This is the case of Nirmala from India. Identifying details have been changed to protect the privacy of the people below. She is a young married mother related to me. She is married to a well off husband. She was pregnant with her second child in the beginning of 2021 when she contacted me.   

Ever since she married, she was emotionally abused by her in-laws. She did not a happy relationship with her husband as he was highly influenced by his controlling parents. 

When she and her husband moved to her in-law's temporarily, living with her controlling and abusive in-laws was totally draining her spirit. After visiting her own family for a few days, she was dreading to go back to the toxic atmosphere of her in-law's house. That was when her father who  was already practicing counting breaths meditation put her in touch with me. 

I had long sessions everyday for about a week, helping her learn and practice the meditation, learning and understanding a variety of new thought processes and practical tips to help her keep her sanity in the crazy atmosphere of her in-laws' house. 

She was very smart and absorbed many new insights and tips easily and put them into action.  After going back to her in-laws' house, I have been in periodic contact with her.  When I talked to her father after she had left, I came to know she was very sad to go back to the toxic atmosphere of her in-law's house but quoted one of my tips in a resigned manner "I know I am going back to the 'mental hospital of my in-laws' house' as the head Nurse!" Her feedback messages are posted below. 

"I am feeling very light, calm, confident and happy because "If my mind is clear and my heart is clean,  I am not afraid of even God?".  Before talking to you, whenever I even looked at my in-laws, I felt my heart flutter "jal-jal-jal".  But after listening to your words, I am completely in my control of that. I am talking to my in-laws with a smile for about 5 minutes or so and then I go away from them. This has rebuilt my confidence in myself.  I am in a positive mood with my husband. Thank you so much for helping me. I'm feeling like I'm blessed. I will be in touch with you to share my thoughts and to listen to positive vibrations from you. I will definitely do counting breaths meditation everyday."

"Presently  everything is going good. I am doing the meditation as well."

"At present, it is not good, not bad.  Primarily,  I have changed a lot.  Those people are the same as before, poking me sometimes.  But, I am trying to ignore them and getting busy with my work."  

"Everything is going well. I remember about you and your suggestions." 

2021 to 2023