Practicing ‘Focusing on breathing’ gradually improves concentration. When we focus on the ever-changing process of breathing, using one of the finger modes - tip mode, segment mode or folding mode, the mind obediently gets absorbed in tracking the breaths, counting them and coordinating the finger movements with the breath pattern. That is a lot of things to do. So it does not get the freedom to wander as much as it used to do before. Even when it wanders, it is for a fleeting moment till you bring it back to breathing, counting and finger movement. You may be aware of the distracting thoughts but they won’t hijack your attention for any sustained period. The thoughts will be like passing clouds in the sky or images on the movie screen. They distract you for a few fleeting moments, the thread of your attention is only momentarily broken. By repeating the breathing practice even for a few breaths throughout the waking hours, the old wandering habit of the mind gradually changes, for sure as reported by many practitioners. Over many months, one's  concentration improves dramatically. The mind obediently remains focused on the chosen target to a great extent. You will wonder “Is this my same old mind that made my life miserable?”.

Preparing for and taking exams

Improved focus during an 8 hour exam

A patient of my daughter Padma Sripada M.D attended my seminar at the East Greenbush Community Library on May 4, 2011. I met her again today when we both participated at a seminar on ‘Mindfulness’. At the end of the seminar, she sought me out and said happily “I want to share with you my recent experience with ‘focusing on breathing’. Recently I had a long civil service exam of 8 hours, sitting at a school desk. It was very stressful. I frequently practiced the ‘focusing on breathing’ technique during this exam. I used the counting mode and 911 modes a lot. It reduced my stress and helped me focus.”

May 2011


Student preparing for USMLE in USA

“I came to know about your ‘Focusing on breathing’ method from a brochure I found at the Albany Hindu Temple. I am preparing for USMLE exam due in August 09 and I am really tensed at the moment. I have been practicing the method for the last 2 days and I am really feeling very much relieved of my stress. And I am able to concentrate better on my studies”



Improves Software Engineers’ concentration

Many software people told me that practicing this method improved their mental concentration on job. Many of them told that the method helped them forget their programming related thinking and get badly needed rest through sound sleep.  


A young Software Engineer

He attended my seminar at the ‘Hope Club’, along with three other professionals, on Jan 26, 2012.

“I would like to share my experience after I attended the seminar on “Focusing on breathing” yesterday. I came to know about these techniques a week back through my close friend. I got the website information also. I did practice the technique on my own to get rid of the stress and continuous thoughts in my mind. These were making me sleepless for the past two weeks. When I attended the program yesterday and practiced in your presence, all my doubts were cleared. I felt more relaxed in my mind. I practiced the technique same night when I wanted to sleep and slept nicely. I practiced this morning before starting for work. Now I am feeling more concentration than before. I want to continue this practice for better living. Thank you very much for your valuable guidance and providing the handouts.”

Jan 2012


Group practice by software Engineers

One group of 10 software designers customizing SAP software used to practice it for 5 minutes every day before starting the work. Two foreigners visiting the team periodically were also practicing it along with them. They said it improved their mental concentration in their work. 

Cited in a Software website

One Greek software site had an entry in a discussion forum quoting this web site that the method was useful for improving mental concentration. I found this when I searched on google for my old website ‘’.  


Webmaster able to read books in long train travel

A web designer (‘’, now closed) emailed me that he was not able to use his daily travel time of 2 hours NJ to NY for reading books that he wanted to read badly utilizing his idle travel time. After practicing this method, he was able to complete reading of many books effortlessly.



Meditators’ concentration improved

Meditators: Some people who were practicing meditation like ‘Chakra Dhyana’ (a method of concentrating on the energy centers in the body) said that this method improved their practices significantly. Earlier, in spite of their best efforts, they were getting frustrated due to lack of concentration. They are now getting better returns for the time they are spending on the practice.


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