Sleep problems relieved 

This is the most common benefit by people of all ages. It never failed to relieve even chronic insomnia and helped many practitioners get off sleep medications. 


2 years old

Here is the message from the mom of a 2 year old girl. 

“I have a 2 year old daughter who was not sleeping well at night. She would constantly toss and turn all night and come morning time when I would go in to wake her up, she was absolutely miserable. I was then introduced to the’ counting breaths’ method. I tried it with my daughter. 

To my surprise the next day, I woke up a completely differently little girl…. or so it seemed. She was much happier and more cooperative with me than the previous mornings. 

I also tried this method with her time out, if she misbehaves. Once again to my surprise, it worked. Within a few moments, she would become much calmer and more relaxed. “ 

May 2009

8 Years old

Report by a mother: “I would start breathing at night before I would fall asleep. I noticed it didn’t take me no more than 5 minutes to pass out. I was able to clear my head and focus on sleeping instead of the 15 million different things I had to accomplish the next day or week.

My 8 year old daughter definitely needed the breathing. She was having problems in school with friends and her attitude, along with taking instruction from her elders. I started the breathing with her before she would fall sleep. She first found it to be a game that would buy her a little quality time with mom plus allowed her to stay up longer. 

After about a month of doing it together, she would take it upon herself to do it alone. 

I could see the change in her attitude when she woke up and at her school. It was nice for a change, to receive positive reports from her teachers, instead of the usual negative ones. As time went on, I would catch her midway into the breathing and she must have fallen asleep before she got done counting the breaths.  I’d catch her with her finger stuck at a segment! 

She is also doing much better now with her relationship with her sister. They haven’t stopped fighting totally but the arguing has calmed down a lot.  She just is much more pleasant and fun to be around. The progress still continues……”



Counting my breaths to three, really works

"The version of the counting breaths technique that I had been using a lot and still use several times a week, is the version of counting to three, over and over again without using the fingers at all, all in the mind. I practice this technique whenever I want to go to sleep. Sometimes when I start off, I hear the voice of my inner cynic say “this won’t help you fall asleep.” 

But I practice it anyway and then in the morning I awake refreshed and happy. I know that counting my breaths to three really works. 

Emily Marynczak, AAHCC and Bradley Method Certified Birth Instructor

Padma Sripada M.D testified

Dr Sripada recommends this technique to her patients. 

“I have introduced the technique to some of my patients with anxiety, panic attacks, hypertension and insomnia. Everyone who has adopted the technique has reported it helps them relax. Some patients have reported it has helped them sleep better, and no longer rely on medications.”

A doctor of internal medicine 

Reported that she was using the technique herself and found it useful. She told one of her patients  under 5-6 medications and suffering from severe insomnia, to practice ‘counting breaths’ in blocks of 1 to 10 at bed time.  She made the patient practice it in her exam room. After 2 days that patient called and said after a long time she was able to sleep happily!

Eye doctor (Ophthalmologist)

He reported “Insomnia is an occasional problem for me, sometimes affecting me for days at a time. Sometimes, I go to sleep easily, but wake up in the middle of the night. Then I can’t fall back to sleep. Other times, I just can’t fall asleep at all. Sleeping pills work, but I don’t really like to take them, and they are definitely not an option to take at 3:00 am if I have to get up at 6:00. I have practiced Mr. Chennapragada’s counting breaths technique for the last two years or so, and have found it to be a very effective way to go to sleep, or get back to sleep. I also occasionally use it to reduce stress, and as suggested in Mr. Chennapragada’s handout. I sometimes use it while sitting at stoplights. I am very thankful to have learned this great technique.”

Dr Paul Fellenbaum

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon

 “As a medical student and now as a resident, there are numerous nights where I find myself awake in bed, thinking of unfinished tasks of the day and the challenges that await me in the morning. ‘Counting breaths’ has made a huge difference and helped me tremendously, particularly at night, allowing me to turn off the background chatter of my mind and focus on one thing, my own breath, which then allows me to get the rest needed to face the problems of the next day (1). I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and prepared for what lies ahead. I would recommend these techniques to anyone dealing with stressors on a daily basis.”

Aparajit Naram, MD

A Rheumatology Specialist

“I have benefited from this technique and continue to hope for ongoing experiences. Focusing on breath using the ‘tip mode’ and ‘counting mode’ has been very beneficial to calm the mind. I have been experiencing insomnia and anxiety ever since I joined my medical college. I did not share this problem even with my wife.  After practicing these techniques, my sleep quality has improved phenomenally and so has the ability to reduce the impact of the stressors of day to day life. “ 

Prashant Kaushik MD

Adult education professional 

A professional from a school system visited me to set up my seminars as part of adult education classes for some school districts. I gave her my handouts. At the end, in just 5 minutes, I demonstrated the folding mode and also made her practice it on one hand. After a few days, she sent me the following report. 

“Slept completely through the night, for the first time in years” 

“I have also been using the breathing technique you shared with me at night. I am falling asleep much more quickly. The other night, I slept completely through the night, for the first time in years!  🙂  Thank you!

She was open to practicing the technique and enjoying its benefits of better sleep right away!



Patient of Dr Padma Sripada reported “Now I do not need my sleeping medicine”

I had a lot of anxiety, stress and sleeping disorder. Sometimes, my body would shake and I would cry for no reason. I was introduced to the ‘Focusing on breathing’ technique when I came to Dr. Padma Sripada’s office. The first day I tried it,  I suddenly became so content and relaxed. My sleep has become a lot better and I am more focused. It has allowed me to not have to use my sleeping medicine every night. It is great! You can practice this technique when you are just sitting around or when you are walking or jogging. Trust me it will make a difference in your life.”

97 year old senior

I work in my daughter’s medical office as a manager. Occasionally I meet with a patient and depending on the receptiveness of that person, I explain the tip or segment mode. I advise them to try it when lying in bed and needing to sleep. When I meet the same person at a later visit, I try to find out if the technique was tried and if so, what was it like. 

Recently I met a 97 year old woman patient the second time (a few months back I explained the segment mode to her) and inquired how she was doing, without mentioning the technique. After explaining her current set of problems she added on her own, that she was using the breathing technique using the segments whenever she had difficulty getting sleep and it was helping her in calming her mind and fall asleep. 

She said she sent the brochure on this technique to her sister in California.


A patient of Dr. Padma Sripada 

She read my hand out on Insomnia and practiced on her own. On my request, she wrote out this testimonial: 

“I had a lot of anxiety, stress and sleeping disorder. Sometimes, my body would shake and I would cry for no reason.  I was introduced to the ‘Focusing on breathing’ technique when I came to Dr. Sripada’s office. The first day I tried it,   I suddenly became so content and relaxed. My sleep has become a lot better and I am more focused. It has allowed me to not have to use my sleeping medicine every night. It is great!”

A patient of Dr Padma Sripada

She was suffering for many years from Fibromyalgia reported. 

“I have Fibromyalgia. I was first diagnosed with this condition in March 1990 after an injury that occurred at my place of employment a month before. Almost 19 years now I have had great difficulty sleeping due to extreme pain. After being prescribed many medications over the years, none compare to the breathing techniques demonstrated to me by C S.  Because of him I can get many hours of consecutive sleep; where I was not able to achieve with prior aid of a physician whose specialty is sleep disorders.”

Click the above link

People practiced from the brochure or website

I have seen over many years that people are able to practice the technique on their own, after reading my handout without needing any help from me or this website. It leads to enjoying better quality sleep, lack of which is a prominent contributor to several mind, body and relationship problems.

Young lady suffering from chronic gastritis and skin allergies

She reported “The counting breaths technique is the one that I am benefiting the most from when I have to fall asleep after a long day. It is a great way for me to relieve my stress also.”

A bank teller

I distributed my hand out on ‘How to enjoy quality sleep and conquer insomnia’ to all the tellers at the SEFCU branch I do business with. Recently one teller in her fifties said “I use the every night. It just takes my mind off the days incidents and gets me to sleep’.

A handyman

I gave the handout on sleep to the young handyman who worked on building our new house. When I come across him I ask how it was working. Every time he says happily “Oh yes. It gets me to sleep quickly”

A cashier at the UPS Store

It helps me in keeping things in perspective and get a decent eight hours of sleep every night. More….

A visitor to this website

E-mail message received from a visitor to this site. “Using the breathing method of counting breaths, I have been able to get to sleep. Thank you for your website.” He found this web site, practiced the technique on his own and enjoyed getting back to sleep!

After 8 years of learning this technique from my handout

A manager in my past company in India (where this technique was initially tested) sent this feedback  ” I am practicing the breathing technique and got rid of my disturbed sleep”.

A woman on how it helped her ex-husband get over insomnia

“I have been practicing the  ‘Focusing on breathing’ technique since last 6 months. I have experienced many positive changes including losing my excess weight. Many people who knew me before, including my mom, noticed these visible changes and commented about it. One such person is my husband. Recently he commented on how I looked happier and more focused. He asked what was behind this change. I told him about the technique and gave the two hand outs – one for quality sleep and another, containing the comprehensive guidance about the technique. My husband is a night shift worker and had difficulty sleeping during the day. He also has some heart problems. Against the advice of his heart doctor, he was drinking beer to be able to sleep. He read the hand outs on the ‘Focusing on breathing’ technique and practiced it since last two weeks. Two days back, he said that he was no longer dependent on beer to get sleep and drinks only occasionally.”

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Sleep problems relieved 
