Children's comments

Pre K 4

Feedback from 7 children.

Where did they practice

Every day at home

Right after I go to school

In the morning and at night

At bedtime deep breathing with mommy 

When do I practice and how does it help?

Sometimes I breathe right after I am mad.  It helps me by calming me down

When I feel really angry, It is calming

At play time when I am mad, calms me down

When I am upset, stop crying as much

When I am excited. it helps me by calming down

Before dinner, it helps me be patient

Bed time, It helps me go to sleep

When I am tired

When I am overwhelmed 

It helps me so I can get my books and not lose any of them

Helps me focus

It takes away my cough a little  

KG and Grade 1 (Combined class)

How does it help

It is relaxing

It feels nice, I feel calm

It makes me much calmer

It feels calm and good

It calms me down when I feel like running around in the class room, it makes me not do that 

It feels good and relaxing 

It makes me feel really relaxed

I feel the silence 

It makes me feel peaceful

It makes me feel real good like I can be a rock or a stone

It makes me feel like I am bathing in the Sun

It makes me disappear and I don't know where I am any more

I fall asleep

It makes me feel silent  

Where and how does it help

In the morning at my house - I feel relaxed

At my house at night time - It helps me to go to my bed and sleep

At my grandma's house, sometime in the morning - it makes me feel happy

Sometimes when I am in the bath I close my eyes - It makes me feel like it is the middle of the night and I am fast asleep

When I am going on vacation in the car - It stops me from being car sick

When I am mad

At night time when I get back home

In the car

At home

On the plane when I try to go to sleep - It helps me because I usually get scared - I don't feel scared any more

Before I go to Tae-Kwon-Do - It makes me do good work

When I have nothing else to do - It feels good   

Grade 2 & 3 (Combined class)

When do I practice and how it helps me

Morning meeting - Having a good day


It helps me focus for the rest of the day

It helps me to calm down  

It helps me concentrate 

It helps relax me

At school - To survive  

At night when it is hard to get sleep - Keeping bad dreams and sadness away

Before I go to sleep - It helps me sleep

Bed time - It calms me down  

When I am going to sleep

Before bed - Calm down 

At home 6.30 am - To survive

In the shower - I don't know  

In the shower - Relaxed

In the shower - To relax

When I wake up - It helps me complete my day

When I am waking up - it helps me wake up

At home after school - Keep awake

When I am trying to hold in tears

When feeling yucky - Feel relaxed

When sad - less sadness and focus

Grade 4 & 5

When do I practice and how it helps me

When stressed - Helps me relax 

When angry and need to focus - Helps me concentrate better 

When I want to sleep - Helps me sleep better 

Before bed - Go to sleep

Before bed - I am sleepy

At night - It helps me sleep

At night - Relaxes me

At night - It helps me fall asleep

When I go to sleep - To fall asleep

At night - Get to sleep

Going to bed - To relax 

At night - It helps me calm down

When I go to sleep - It helps me relax and sleep

In school - It calms me down

When I am mad - I am calm

When I am meditating - I am peaceful

When I feel like it - It calms me down  

When crazy or stressed

It shortens lessons 

When I am in the car - Calms me down

In the car - To concentrate

Sometimes in the bus - Stay calm

On the bus - Relieves stress  

When I am out of control - Relax

In the morning 

It does not really help me that much

Review visit after 2 months (Summary of their comments)

Practicing at home

Bedtime to sleep x 12 responses

Fights with siblings, Angry, Mom is angry etc.  x 3

Playing DS/ Video games, waiting for computer game to load x 2

Before piano practice x 1

Practicing at school

In general and in some classes - math, arts, LA, Music and Social x 12 (responses) 

Place unspecified

When frustrated, Stressed, Scared, Tired, Bored x 7 

To concentrate/ focus x 4

Relax, calm down x 3

When I feel like x 2

In car x 1

Grade 3 to5

Summary of their comments

When I practiced counting breaths meditation I felt … 

Calm and relaxed – 3 responses

Calm/ Really calm – 3

Good and happy


Relaxed, Calm, Focused

I want to try this technique when I …

Go to sleep – 2

Am mad – 2

Mad or tired

Stressed with school

Mad at my sister or stressed

Mad, angry and stressed

Am taking a  test

I think this practice will help me with  ….

NYS test/ Tomorrow before the state tests – 2

Calming down, Stop being stressed, angry and mad

After being bullied

Getting up in the morning

When my sister is mad at me

Settling down

Falling asleep and calming down

A lot of things

Grade 6 to  8

When do I practice and how it helps me

When I am bored - It helps me go to sleep         

When I have a hard time sleeping - It relaxes me

When I am going to sleep - Helps me shut my mind down

When stressed - It calms me down

When I am angry - Helps me relax

Some times - Relax

After exercising - helps slow down my heart rate

It does not help me