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Nov 2021

A Health professional from another state

I have been working with a health professional living in another state with roots in the capital region.  We meet on zoom once a week.  When she visited Albany recently we had a face to face meeting.  She said "I feel calm in your presence.  Even when meeting with you on zoom!" 

Oct 2021

Seema's journey

Seema has been an ongoing  victim of domestic abuse ever since she married. Losing  connection with her adult daughter was gut wrenching for her.  She started with meditation and began to appropriately respond to her daughter's apparently disrespectful behavior. She has succeeded in reconnecting with her daughter and is now hopeful of turning her life around. Her periodic phone messages and thank you card messages are reproduced below.

In her 'Thank you card' 

"Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and selfless support. Much appreciate your timely counseling. It did help me immensely."

Her whatsapp message 

"Thanks for being so supportive with your wonderful guidance and encouragement. This past short time of one month under your wise counseling has proved quite fruitful. That payment is my humble thank you gesture for your mega help."   

May 22, 2021


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Jan 2018

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Jan 2021 to 2023

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Sept 2015

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June 2015


Nov 2014


I was poised, confident and enjoyed it! 

Testimonial from a masters student who attended 10 of my classes over a period of 5 months.  

“I have been utilizing the CS’s breathing techniques for two months now. I have seen a significant decrease in my stress level. One of my goals was to be able to speak in front of my class as a graduate student. Last week I was up in front of my class for nearly an hour; I was poised, confident, and I enjoyed it. Every time I am feeling a little overwhelmed, I start to count my breaths and it helps me get centered again. I recommend these techniques to anyone because they work.”

Apr 2014

I am building a ‘New Me’! 

Feedback from a client who achieved life changing benefits by practicing the ‘Focusing on breathing’, initially on his own from my handouts and then attended 10 of my classes so far over last 6 months . 

“As someone who has fought the proverbial battle of the bulge most of his life, I know how hard it can be to make life changes. I have been through the crash diets, to doctors and so on with varying degrees of success. However the weight would always come back. I had pretty much given up.

Then one day, I picked up a handout on breathing mostly because it said it could help with my insomnia. To my surprise, it did help a lot and with more then just my lack of sleep.

Eventually, I was convinced to try taking the classes. Through the classes I have been keeping a food diary and trying new changes in my diet. I was even watching a subliminal video. This isn’t like the crash diets I’ve been on and its not pills.

In keeping the food diary, I am able to keep track of what I’m putting in my body (when you fist start, you may be shocked). I started my changes gradually and in a way that I didn’t feel deprived. The changes I have made so far are

Drink water at least a half hour before food.

More whole unprocessed foods like vegetables and whole grains like brown rice and rye bread.

I added beans and salad to at least one meal a day.

And the real hard part – I cut down on my drinking beer and my meat (didn’t eliminate just cut down).

As I implemented these changes, I found my tastes have changed as well as my waistline from 46 to 44. I now only feel deprived if I miss my daily salad.

I have lost about ten ponds, in a sustainable way (300 lbs to 286 lbs in 5 months). I no-longer fear going back to the way I was.

I am building a ‘new me’.”

Feb 2014


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Nov 2012

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May 2011


Wonderful life changes for a Fibromyalgia patient 

Feedback from a Fibromyalgia patient: This is the most remarkable one I received in the last 8 years of my teaching this method.

” I have Fibromyalgia. I was first diagnosed with this condition in March 1990 after an injury that occurred at my place of employment a month before. Almost 19 years now I have had great difficulty sleeping due to extreme pain. After being prescribed many medications over the years, none compare to the breathing techniques demonstrated to me by C.S.  Because of him I can get many hours of consecutive sleep; where I was not able to achieve with prior aid of a physician whose specialty is sleep disorders.

The methods taught to me by C S are simplistic by nature, such as counting my breaths, inhaling and exhaling.  Also listening to and feeling my abdomen rise and lower as do tides ebb and flow. This relaxes me to the point where I experience great energy and decrease in my pain during the day.  C.S’s techniques have made me so happy that I have shared them with my elderly neighbors and they have experienced wonderful changes in their daily lives.

Some of my  wonderful life’s changes – well this is a big one for me, is that I am able to drive my car finally! Also I am performing chores around the house like vacuuming.  Now I know you may feel “big deal” you can vacuum!”, but for me with the pain I was experiencing, it feels wonderful just to be able to finally go back to doing just that, the household chores! I suggest that everyone try these breathing techniques to help relieve pain, stress and profound energy.”

Dec 2009

Update: She is now mowing the lawn and raking the leaves! Not long before, she was not able to do anything even inside her house.



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April 2017

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