More options for 'Focusing on breathing'

You can develop your own variations of the basic modes. Unless otherwise stated, breathing in and out is through the nose. Wherever possible practice with your eyes closed for better impact.

Folding mode

Start with any one hand, say the left hand. Flex the little finger inward a little.  Count three breaths as explained in the 'Counting mode'. Release the little finger. At each of the other four fingers, flex one finger at a time and counting three breaths. Then switch to the right hand and repeat the same practice at each of its fingers. Continue practicing, switching the hands.

This was the innovation of a 10 year old boy in an Indian grocery store In Albany NY. I taught him the tip mode a month before when I met him at the store.

Dynamic modes

These modes are very helpful when the mind wanders a lot and practicing the other modes is not working well. These are modifications Tip mode and Segment modes.

Dynamic Tip mode

Touch the tip of the thumb to the tip of the pinky. Keep rocking it a little bit to create a mild skin sensation.

The skin sensation keeps the mind more engaged compared with the regular tip mode. Repeat the same at the other three fingers. When you get the thumb, place the tip of the index finger at the base of the thumb and rock it a little bit.

Dynamic Segment mode 

Place the tip of the thumb on the top segment of the pinky and rock it a little bit. This creates a mild skin sensation. The skin sensation keeps the mind more engaged compared with the regular tip. Repeat the same at all the other segments. When you get to the thumb, rock the tip of the index finger on the segments of the thumb. 

Counting in  ‘One thousands’

"I take deep, slow breaths and count ‘one, one thousand’, ‘two, one thousand’, ‘three, one thousand’ ….and repeat.  I very seldom need to repeat more than three times to fall back to sleep after waking up in the night. ”

Max Thornton shared this innovation at one of my workshops at the East Greenbush Library.

Visualizing the fingers being used

Visualize the little finger. Count three breaths as explained in the 'Counting mode'. While counting the breaths keep the image of the little finger in your mind. Repeat the same for the other four fingers of one hand, visualizing one finger at a time. Switch to the other hand and repeat the same process.  Continue practicing, switching the hands.

Innovation of a cashier at the UPS store. He said he was too lazy to move his fingers! He got over his smoking habit using this meditation.

Visualizing the number being counted 

This is an enhancement of the 'Tip mode'.

Count three breaths at each finger tip  with the eyes closed. Visualize the number you are counting. When counting the number 'one', visualize the number 'one' in your mind. When counting the number 'two', visualize the number 'two' in your mind. When counting the number 'three', visualize the number 'three' in your mind.

Suggested by Anvesh Mateti during the introductory workshop.

Moving the finger tip of the other hand up and down the fingers 

Let us say you want to practice the counting mode.

During the first inhale, move the tip of the index finger of the right hand up the little finger of the left hand. Move it so that it reaches the tip of the finger at the end of the inhale.

When the exhalation starts, silently count the number 'oooo-ne...' like a long musical note and move the index finger down the little finger to reach its base at the end of the exhale.

Repeat the same process when counting 'twooo...' and 'threee...'.

Repeat the same at each of the other four fingers of the left hand. 

Switch to the right hand. Repeat the same using the index finger of the left hand on the fingers of the right hand.  

Practice as long as you like switching hands. 

Suggested by Anvesh Mateti during the introductory workshop.

Engaging the idle hand

When practicing on the left hand keep the tips of the index finger and thumb of the right hand in light contact. Keep the rest of the three fingers stretched straight. This is the 'Chin mudra' in yoga.

When practicing on the right hand, keep the tips of the index finger and thumb of the left hand in a similar manner.

Touching the tips of the thumb and index finger may itself trigger the calming effect over some time.

Numberless three breaths

This is an advanced version of the ‘Counting mode’. Breathe in feeling the coolness in the nose. Watch the sensation of the out-breath till its end without counting. Then breathe in. Repeat this two more times.

You will instinctively know  when you completed three breaths without counting.

You can use this variation when practicing the ‘Tip mode’ and ‘Segment mode’ as well. Try this after practicing the basic  modes for quite some time.

Single Breath 'Segment mode'

“I brought my thumb to the top segment of my pinky finger and watched one breath. With the next breath I moved my finger down to the middle segment of my pinky. With the third breath I moved my thumb to the lowest segment of my pinky finger. 

With the next breath, I was onto the ring finger and so on.

The three segments of all ten fingers were touched with their own breath.”

Shared by Emily Marynczak

Color the breaths instead of counting

When exhaling the first time, visualize the Red traffic light. During the second exhalation visualize the Yellow light. During the third exhalation visualize the Green light.

Repeat the pattern.

Syllables instead of numbers

Make up three syllables to replace the numbers. Throughout the first exhalation silently say "aaaaaa......." till its end. Throughout the second exhalation, say "raaaaaaa....." till its end. Throughout the third exhalation, say "hummmm...." till its end. 

Alternatively, throughout each exhalation, say "Caaalmmmm....". 


Related page

'Focusing on breathing'
