Great way for me to relieve my stress

Email from a young lady suffering from chronic gastritis and skin allergies for a long time.

“The counting breaths technique is the one that I am benefiting the most from when I have to fall asleep after a long day. It is a great way for me to relieve my stress also.”

July 2015

Click the above link

Much easier to deal with the “stressors”

Feedback from a participant in my recent seminar.

“I have been using the breathing techniques and believe me…they came in handy…as my daughter (who is dealing with MS) fell and went to the ER by ambulance Tuesday morning.  She had 8 stitches and they did not admit her, just observed her for the day…and then sent her home. 

So, for the past few days, I have been busy caring for her and helping my granddaughter.

She seems better now, and I am now taking the time to catch up with things in my life. It is much easier to deal with those “stressors” with your breathing techniques!!”

Oct 2013

Anger, Anxiety and Disturbed thoughts relieved

Feedback from a young man who attended 2 of my classes after practicing the technique on his own, using my handouts for about 9 months. 

He reported improvement on a host of mental, physical and relationship issues. Also a dramatic reduction in the following concerns that he experienced before practicing the techniques. 

Anxiety and Stress: Relieved by 70%

Anger: Relieved by 80%

Disturbing thoughts and feelings: Relieved by 95%

Before: “Something very bad happen every day.”

Now: “So much less. Most situations, I can handle and working on the ones I have problems with.” 

For the first time in many years, he is now thinking of a career plan for which he had no inclination due to his depression, anxiety and stress.

Sept 2013

Counting breaths releived stress at work

Feedback from a person who attended my seminar at the East Greenbush Library –

“I was having a lot of stress at work. Some days I was afraid of what I would be challenged with before I got to work.

I found that the counting breaths technique (1) helped me through a lot of stressful moments, and helps me sleep better at night. Thank you for the class, it was amazingly helpful.”

July 2013

I am managing stress very well and enjoying sound sleep

Feedback from a Software Engineer who attended three of my classes.

“I am a software Engineer from India, working In USA with my wife and two young boys. I noticed some negative changes in my thinking in early Feb 2012 due to lot of  stress about my residence status in this country and other personal issues. I was spending restless nights for 5 to 6 weeks without proper sleep. The lack of sleep caused depression. All my activities got disturbed – not interested in  work, not enough money etc., affecting my family and my kids’ studies. Although I used medication for depression, I did not see noticeable change. I went back to India, slowly regained my health and returned to USA.

After returning, I thought of taking some precautionary measures to manage stress. This made me a student of Suryanarayan Chennapragada (C S). The course I had undergone was “Counting Breaths” (1). It helps me focus better on my work and also improves my attitude. Now I am managing stress in my life very well, enjoying sound sleep and living peacefully. Now my physical and mental strength has improved and I am perfectly balanced in my life. Overall, I can say that these techniques consume less time and are valuable.  I thank C S for guiding me in proper direction to overcome my difficulties.

Sept 2012

Click the above link

Nov 2012

Click the above link

Feb 2012

Stress, Anxiety and Sleep improved

A young medical student attended three of my classes over a period of two months. His mother asked me to help him, as she was worried about his anxiety and obesity. At the end of the third class, he made a self assessment of how he practiced and the change in his concerns.  Here is a brief report –

What modes did he practice and when?

Tip mode, segment mode, counting mode and staring mode at night to sleep,  Feeling mode in an emergency during the day and 911 mode when stressed. He practiced in the morning and when waiting,  bored and even when working.  He also practiced the loosening exercises from Yoga (gentle stretching movements) 3 times a week, in addition to his daily running .

How did he feel in mind and body?

He felt more focused, less stressed and felt rested. He had 8 hours of very good sleep.

What was the change in his concerns?

Stress reduced by 50%
Anxiety reduced by 30%
Sleep problem reduced by 95%

Dec 2011

Response to stressful situations totally changed

The principal and vice principal of a school with about 1000 students  were in lot of tension and irritation due to frequent demands from visiting parents who demanded admissions, improvement of marks, so on. 

After they started practicing this method, their response to such situations totally changed. They were able to listen patiently to the visiting parents and send them off with a smile, without conceding anything. Their way of interaction was so different from earlier style that some parents even complimented them for not getting irritated and being so cool in spite of all their pressures.

2000 (India)

Stress from phone calls reduced

A manager in a factory, 44 years, said he used this method while talking over phone to his factory shift–in-charges early morning every day. It helped him reduce his frustration and irritation on hearing the problems reported by them.

Job stress reduced

A pathological lab technician with whom I shared the hand out of the technique  said happily that she has been using the technique every day around lunch time, to get over the job stress and refresh herself.

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