Weight management 

I have seen men and women change their unhealthy eating and other habits after practicing ‘Focusing on breathing’. How can we explain this? My guess is that practicing this technique loosens the grip of entrenched attitudes and habits on the practitioners and enables them to make better choices which they already know. For example, the practice reduces stress, improves sleep and enhances awareness, acceptance (not denial) of the reality and ability to take corrective actions.


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I lost 30 pounds in last 9 months and gained many other benefits

Feedback from one of my clients who attended 16 of my classes over last one year.

”I have been seeing CS (Suryanarayana Chennapragada) for all my health problems, since last one year. So far, I have seen the benefits such as:

I lost 30lbs. since last September (in nine months).

I have been eating a lot more healthy food than ever before, with a no red meat, a lot of fruits and vegetables.

My self-esteem has gotten much better and my marriage benefited from the counseling C.S. has given me.

I suffer from mixed connective tissue disease (Lupus) due to which I have a lot of problems when the weather changes. Due the diet changes I have made, I seem to have less pain in my muscles than I did before, on rainy days.

Practicing the breathing technique has enabled me to calm myself down whenever I get stressed out. I deal with problems better now than before.

I started seeing C.S. originally to quit smoking but had to tackle all these problems first before I could take on that problem. I plan to also try and quit smoking in the next year as one of my goals with C.S.

I would recommend counseling with C.S., to anyone, with weight, stress or health problems.”

JUN 2012


It’s all here (in the head)!

I gave the flier and complete booklet to the senior librarian of the local library about 8 months back. Whenever I used to come across him, he was telling me that he and his wife were practicing the method and happy about it. After a few months, he told me he was practicing mostly at bed time and enjoyed good sleep. He also told happily that he lost 15 pounds. Asked how it happened, he put both his index fingers at his temples pointing to his head and said “it is all here!”



Lost 20 pounds

A lady 30+ was obese and having many other health problems. She lost more than 20 pounds after she attended several of my follow up classes. She was also relieved of some of her other problems like IBS.



Pants sliding down

A software engineer practiced this method before sleep, traveling and frequently during the day. He told a group in my presence that his weight was so much reduced that his pants were sliding down. This happened in spite of the fact his gym attendance was very irregular and he did not practice conscious diet control, compared with the period he was struggling to reduce his weight.


Pot bellies reduced

Two persons in their forties reported that their pot bellies were reduced significantly after they made the method a habit. Asked how it happened, they said that their food intake had reduced automatically. Earlier they were over eating, without any awareness. Now they were eating with more awareness and eating only as much as they actually needed. In one case, the person’s wife who saw the big change in his waistline was concerned about the change and asked if anything was wrong with his health.

2000 (India)


Caring for weight and diet

One industrialist who learned the method from me and enjoyed its benefits, explained it to his wife. After some time, he noticed that his wife was taking more care about her weight by controlling her diet and regular walking.

2000 (India)


Appearance changed

A person 40-50 years was acutely aware of his obvious obesity and feeling helpless. After he practiced this method mostly before sleep and just after the shower, standing in the bath tub, his obese appearance significantly changed to a slimmer look, though his waistline was still prominent.

2000 (India)


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