Feedback from a client Christine (name changed) who attended four of my classes over 5 weeks. She reported multiple problems when she came in. She absorbed the techniques and practiced them wholeheartedly. On my advice she read most of my articles on Relationships. 

She came out of most problems in a surprisingly short time of 5 weeks. Her report –

I was really stressed out due to my boss

I was really stressed out on my job at a medical office due to my boss. I had to always to prove myself and be constantly on the go. I could never stop to even think where I was and what I was working on.

My practices

I learned in the classes how take breaths and relax more effectively in my daily life. The breathing techniques I have been using are the ‘Tip mode’ and the ‘Segment mode’, in the morning and night. I also do a lot of breathing during the day.

I thank ‘C S’ (Suryanarayana Chennapragada) for helping me achieve total peace of mind.”


Improvements noticed

I had a personal interview with her to inquire about the several problems that she had but did not mention in her above feedback. She let me know their status as described below.

Due to the above practices, my body balance has changed and my mind has become so relaxed that nothing and no one stresses me. 

I am so calm even when dealing with others at work. 

My skin complexion has changed. I now have a bright glow in my face.

Jaw tension and grinding of teeth - reduced by 95%

Migraine pains

Before - Almost every day, lasting for 2 hours.  

Now - once in a while.

Shoulders puffed up

Before - Whenever she heard his mean words, which was every day.

Now - None, in spite of his behavior being the same.

Hears everything in sleep

Before: In her sleep she used to hear all sounds around her. She used to wake up twice in the night. 

Now: She sleeps undisturbed till the alarm goes off. She does not hear any sounds. Recently her husband commented with a surprise that she was able to fall asleep even when the TV was on.

Hours of sleep

Before: She used to sleep at 10 and wake up at 3 am and was not able to get sleep for at least 30 minutes, due to her racing mind. 

Now: She sleeps undisturbed all through the night, till the alarm goes off at 6 am.

How she felt on waking up

Before: Felt exhausted. 

Now: Feels great.

Back pain and Neck pain

Before: Her chronic stress was straining her muscles in her jaws, neck, shoulders and back. She also practiced releasing the tension in the jaws following this suggestion. "Keep the tip of your tongue behind the top teeth at their root where the tooth meets the gum. And also keep your mind engaged in feeling the coolness during the in-breaths and sensation of the out-breaths."

Now: To avoid neck pain, she stopped holding the phone between her cheek and shoulder. She has the pains only slightly.

 Nov 2012


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