Relationships Improved

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Relationship with adolescent daughter improved dramatically.  


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My daughter and  I talk without yelling

From a woman who attended several of my classes.

“Since I have started ‘focusing on breathing’ practices  with C.S (Suryanarayana Chennapragada) in October 2011, my family life has changed dramatically.  My daughter and I now talk on a daily basis without yelling at one another. My husband has calmed down his attitude around me. They both say it is because of the person I have become.  I am much more relaxed now and take things as they come, instead of  worrying about things. I am sleeping much better than I use to, without taking sleeping pills. I also have started to eat healthier than I did before.   Basically I am a much calmer person with more energy, in the last four months, thanks to C.S. He has also given me good counseling advice better than any counselor I have ever seen in the past.” 

Oct 2011


Dramatic change in relationship with wife

Don't use the fingers or count the breaths.

Feel the coolness inside the nose during the inhale. During the exhale, feel the warm or neutral sensation.

Or you may place a hand on your stomach and focus on the slight in and out movements during the exhales and inhales.

If your mind wanders, resume focusing on the coolness in the nose or the stomach movements. Practice as long as you like. A person 45 yrs, had a strained relationship with his wife from date of marriage. They have a teenage daughter. As reported by him, she had high expectations about his status and power. But her father saw some unhappy marriages where the husband was great but his nature was not good. So he decided that a good person of modest achievements would be better for his daughter. As her her husband didn't match her expectations she felt very unhappy. He would return home tired and hungry after long hours of work at the factory. She would nag and humiliate him as soon as he entered the house. She compared him to his colleagues who got promoted faster than him. He would react by getting angry and destroy things in the house – tube lights, bulbs and news papers . This was going on for more than 20 years. They had an 18 years old daughter at home.

After he practiced counting breaths, he didn't react to her in his habitual manner. While listening to her he focused on his breathing and didn't reply to her. On seeing his total silence in the face of continuous nagging she didn't know what to say or do. She would stop her verbal attacks. She even remarked one day "am I talking to my husband or to the wall?". 

In the past, they were not on talking terms for 2-3 days after such an episode. But in this new phase, they were talking to each other the next day.

He came to know from his boss this man's wife called him many times to complain about her husband coming home late. But in the last few months the boss did not get calls from her.


2000 (India)

Relationship with mother-in-law improved

One industrialist practiced counting breaths when traveling in his car on business trips. It reduced his mental tension. He could handle the pressures from his customers better.

He told his wife about the method and forgot about it. 

His wife and his widowed mother were close relatives. But they were not on good terms. His wife would take his mother to the doctor when required. He had to squeeze time from his busy schedule to make these trips himself. 

After some time, he found his wife’s behavior had changed. She volunteered to take his mother to the hospital. 

He thinks this could be only because of her practicing the meditation on hearing from him.

2000 (India)


Relationship with wife improved after he stopped smoking

One security guard was feeling very bad that he was not able to meet his wife’s demand to stop smoking. After practicing the meditation he could stop smoking. He was very happy for that he then had a good relationship with his wife.

2000 (India)

Young man's relationship with his boss improved

A young Engineering graduate joined the company. He was having a strained relationship with his boss. He felt the boss was making unreasonable work demands. He argued a lot but he had to do as directed. He felt demoralized. He confided to me that he would resign from the job and look for another one because of the bad boss. The 'counting breaths' meditation was in it’s early stage at that time. I told him to practice the meditation and see if it helps. After about 3 weeks, he reported that he was no longer bothered about his boss’s behavior. He kept doing as his boss wanted him to do, even when he didn't agree with him. He didn't carry it in his mind. He no longer wanted to leave the company.

2000 (India)

Relationship with parents improved

One person in his forties said that he burst out on his parents whenever he visited them on vacation. This was painful to them and they avoided talking to him. After practicing this meditation, his behavior towards them changed a lot. He talked to them during his visits with respect. He came to know through others that his parents noticed his change and were very happy.

2000 (India)


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