Feedback from MeetUp participants

All the the names have been changed. 

7-11-24 Meditation and Relationships

This is Charlie's 10th, Byron's 4th and Harry's 1th meeting. 


I practiced 

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Staring mode at stoplights, Walking meditation, Sitting meditation, Gentle yoga stretching, 911 mode (Byron)

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Eating meditation, Walking meditation, Gentle yoga stretching (Charlie)

Tip mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Staring mode at stoplights. (Harry)

Improvements noticed

Less rumination, Less worried, Mind is clearer, Heart is cleaner, More open to positive perceptions and outcomes. (Byron)

Body flexibility improvement (Charlie)

Completing more projects, Focus tasks to completion mode. (Harry)

My life goals and target dates

Be single, Open nano brewery, 20 pullups, 300 lb bench, 450 lb deadlift. (Byron)

Create a new loving relationship (Charlie)

I manage my stress by

Exercise, Socializing, Journaling, Yoga, Meditation, Smoking cannabis (Byron)

Watching TV, Exercise, Breathing (Charlie)

Watching TV, Exercise, Socializing, Journaling, Meditation (Harry)

My expectation from this meetup

Learn how to set and stay on path (Byron)

Make a plan to contact friends (Charlie)

Continue to develop meditation skills (Harry)


Today's take home ideas

Yoga, Yoga, Yoga; Facial stretches; Eye movements - with eyes closed or slowly (Byron)

Practice sitting yoga, Increase flexibility (Charlie)

Rating of today's session

Very useful x 2 (Harry left early)


We sat on the floor and practiced 'Gentle Yoga Stretching' covering all the parts of the body from toes and fingers to the eyes. It took us about 15 minutes.

I distributed copies of the book "Listening well - The art of empathetic understanding" by William R. Miller to help all of us jointly study and practice the listening skills presented in the book. 

Copies of the handout describing two examples of 'Empathetic understanding' were distributed. 


6-27-24 Meditation and Relationships

This is Charlie's ninth and Byron for the third meetup. 


I  practiced 

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Counting mode when going back to sleep at night, Walking meditation, Breathing while stretching.  (Charlie)

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Walking meditation (Byron) 

Improvements noticed

Focus increased, Concerns/ Worries at times lifted. (Byron)

My goals in life 

To be a guide for healing others (Charlie)

Be content (Byron)

I have plans to achieve my goals

Yes (Charlie)

Working on them (Byron)

My expectation from this meetup

Further practice (Charlie)

To learn tools to be less insecure, to be able to move forward (Byron)


Today's take-home ideas

Eye rolling practice, Tongue tip positioning to relax the jaws (Charlie)

EMDR info, Sitting meditation when at work (Byron)

Rating of today's session

Very useful x 2 

6-20-24 Meditation and Relationships

Charlie came in for his eight meeting. 


I practiced 

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Counting mode when I wake up at night, Eating meditation. 

My goals in life 

To heal people.

I manage my stress by 

Watching TV, Socializing, Meditation, Deep breathing

My expectation from this meetup

Share the breathwork (Rebirthing)


Today's take home ideas

Chair yoga

Rating of today's session

Very useful

Suggestions for future meetings 

More breathing

I would like to learn by  

Reading books, Creating new patterns

6-19-24 Meditation and Relationships

Byron came today instead of Thu for the second meetup. 


I practiced 

Tip mode on waking up, Counting mode when going to sleep and on waking up, Stoplight meditation, Eating meditation, Walking meditation, Sitting meditation. 

Improvements noticed

Negative thoughts reduced (less birds picking at my head - we discussed this in the last meetup), Healthier thoughts and perspective, More focused and determined, Slightly less anxiety, guitar lessons started.   

My goals in life

Financial freedom, Healthy relationship and commitment, Become a father, Attend more events.

I manage my stress by 

Exercise, Socializing, Journaling and voice recording, Yoga, Meditation, Watching the fire in the firepit at home, Cannabis (occasionally)

My expectation from this meetup

Learn and utilize tools to reach my goals in a healthy and enjoyable way. 


Today's take home ideas

Work on myself, Continue meditation styles. 

Rating of today's session

Very useful

I would like to learn by 

Reading books, Watching videos, Conversations (one on one and groups)

6-13-24 Meditation and Relationships

This is Harry's 10th meeting, Charlie's 7th meeting and a new member Byron's 1st meeting. 


I practiced 

Tip mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Starring mode at stoplights, Feeling mode at bedtime, 911 mode (sometimes to start), Eating meditation, Sitting meditation (Harry)  

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Walking meditation, Eating meditation. (Charlie)

Improvements noticed

Better cognitive recall, More tasks accomplished, Better concentration, More relaxed in general, More self-worth (Harry)

Had trouble sleeping after travel during the day. (Charlie)

My stress is due to

Not having a companion, Job (Harry)

Family members, People at work (Byron-new member)

I manage my stress by 

Watching TV, Exercise, Socializing, Meditation (Harry)

Watching TV, Exercise, Getting busy, Socializing, Meditation (Charlie)

Watching TV, Exercise, Getting busy, Socializing sometimes, Hobbies, Social meetings (Byron) 

My expectation from this meetup

Continue to improve myself through meditation. (Harry)

To continue recognizing my community (Charlie)

Learn tools/ perception to focus on prioritized goals (Byron) 


My take-home ideas

Teaching meditation is a good way to understand it, Separating from my thoughts will help me relax, Practicing eating meditation a little more while snacking and remembering to eat slowly. (Harry)

To appreciate the community here that we created. (Charlie)

Segment and tip mode will help with going to sleep and awaking, Focus on myself, That I have the power to not let stressors impact me so much. (Byron)  

Rating of today's session

Very useful x 3 

Suggestions for future sessions

Creating self-esteem through self-awareness (Charlie)

None at this time. 

I would like to learn by 

Reading books, Reading online, Watching videos (Harry)

Reading books, Reading online, Talking with other people (Charlie)

Reading books, Watching videos (Byron)


We practiced walking meditation and eating meditation. 

Byron was introduced to counting breaths meditation by Harry, Charlie and me. We covered feeling mode and counting modes. 

Byron's relationship problem was discussed in depth when he was alone. He was given the brochures and handouts on domestic violence. Immediate steps he could take were discussed. He will continue to participate in the meetings.   

6-6-24 Meditation and Relationships

This is "Harry's" 9th meeting and "Charlie's" 6th meeting.  


I practiced 

Tip mode on waking up, Staring mode at stoplights, Walking meditation, Eating meditation (Harry)

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, When waiting for the computer to wake up, Walking meditation, Eating meditation (Charlie)

Improvements noticed

I am working out harder and longer, Recovery seems to improve, I am making progress with my house clean up, Cognitive improvement seems to have reached a plateau. (Harry)

My stress is due to 

Losing job soon, Desire companion but don't have one (Harry)

Lack of relationship (Charlie)

I manage my stress by 

Watching TV, Exercise, Socializing, Meditation (Harry)

Watching TV, Exercise, Meditation, Browsing on the computer (Charlie)

My expectation from this meetup

Learn more relaxation techniques (Harry)

Enlightenment (Charlie)


Take home ideas

Post affirmations where you can see them everyday, Thoughts are random noise too often and can be counter productive. (Harry)

Eat slowly, enjoy more, Thought is creative, I am the thinker (Charlie)

Rating of today's session

Very useful x 2

Comments for future sessions

Doing great (Harry)

I would like to learn more by 

Reading books, Reading online, Watching videos (Harry)

Reading books, Reading online (Charlie)


We practiced Walking meditation and Eating meditation (Carrot sweet Indian style, Peanuts, Banana). 

We discussed the concepts explained in the following articles/quotes

Thoughts are like ….

My shopping cart pulls to one side 

Driving through life 

It is only a little!

Do you want to be a ball or a player?

One living self and infinite dead selves

Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. Buddha

The Buddha asked his disciples "How long is your life?  His disciples gave different answers - "May be fifty years?""Months?" "Days?" "Weeks?". He said "Wrong, wrong. Our life is only one breath" 

(I understand from this that we should focus intensely and unwaveringly, on each and every breath. We should notice its continuous changes in speed, depth and accompanying body sensations like coolness and warmth in the nose and expansion and contraction of the abdomen and chest,  as if it is our last breath.)

You should remember you are at least three distinct and separate individuals. First, you are the person who, at the time of your consideration, really exists. Second, you are the person whom you believe exists. Third, you are the person who others see and believe is you. Clement G. Martin 

5-30-24 Meditation and Relationships

This is "Harry's" 8th meeting and "Charlie's" 5th meeting.  


I practiced 

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Walking meditation, Eating meditation (Charlie) 

Feeling mode at bedtime, Staring mode at stoplights, 911 mode,  Tip mode on waking up, Walking meditation, eating meditation (Harry)

Improvements noticed 

When I'm mindful of my chewing I bite my cheeks and tongue less (Charlie)

Less anxiety in general (Harry)

My stress is due to 

Not having a relationship (Charlie)

No partner, Job situation (Harry)

My expectation from this meeting

I am open to new surprises (Charlie) 

Keep developing and improving my meditation to affect relationships (Harry) 


Today's take home ideas

Be patient, all things come to those who wait (Charlie)

Make action lists and steps to solve problems. Use documents to solve and manage problems (Harry)

Rating of today's session

Very useful, Excellent (Charlie)

Very useful (Harry)

Comments and suggestions for future sessions

All things in our lives relate to each one (Charlie)

I would like to learn more by 

Reading books, Reading on-line (Charlie)

Reading books, Reading on-line, Watching videos, Approach problems like projects with documentation, tracking and lists (Harry)   


One member who RSVP'd did not come in. On inquiry she said she came after 6 and found all the entrances to the building locked. I offered to do a special meeting for her. I also changed the start time to 5.45 as the entrance doors get automatically locked at 6 pm sharp. 

5-20-24 Meditation and Relationships

"Harry's" attended his 7th meeting. 


I practiced 

Tip mode and Feeling mode at bedtime (Tip mode is more relaxing than the segment mode)

Tip mode on waking up

Counting mode in the morning and evening. 

Staring mode at the stoplights. 

Improvements noticed

Deep breathing is more relaxing. Able to sleep better after returning from the bathroom at night.  

Working more at home projects pending for a long time. 

Doing decluttering. 

Checking out the spiritual singles suggested by Charlie in the previous meetup. 

My stress is due to 

Job uncertainty 

Not having a partner. 

I manage stress by 

Watching TV




My expectation in this meetup

To advance in relaxation techniques. 

End-of session

Take-home ideas

Practice 911 mode while walking

Try to integrate 911 mode into  hiking

Look up performance aspects of relaxed exercise and breathing. 

Rating of today's session Very useful

I would like to learn more by 

Reading books

Reding online

Watching videos


We practiced walking meditation using counting mode and 911 mode. 

We practiced 'Eating meditation'. Harry chewed a single cashew and I chewed a single rice crispy treat. We chewed them slowly, swallowing only the saliva. We took 7 minutes to completely  chew them up. Harry said he never knew that cashews can taste so sweet! 


5-9-24 Meditation and Relationships

This is "Harry" 6th meeting and "Charlie" 4th meeting. 


I practiced 

Charlie: Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up;, 911 mode when upset.

Harry: Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Feeling mode before segment or tip modes, Eating meditation (with raisins), Sitting meditation   

Improvements noticed

Charlie: I was happy to have a way to handle my upset with my nephew.

Harry: I have been sleeping better, Sometimes I am more relaxed. 

My stress is due to 

Charlie: Family (not having a partner)

Harry: Job, 'Not like being single'

I manage my stress by 

Charlie: Breathing 

Harry: Exercise, Meditation

My expectation from this meeting

Charlie: To learn more and more

Harry: Continue to develop meditation skills


'Take home' ideas

Charlie: Meditation

Harry: Continue to expand the use of other modes like 911, Walking meditation, Stoplight meditation, Waiting meditation.

Raring of today's session

Very useful x2

Suggestions for future sessions

Charlie: Meditation with a purpose

I would like to learn more by 

Charlie: Reding books, Reading on0line, Watching Videos

Harry: Reding books, Reading on0line, Watching Videos, Visit with friends in Philly


During our discussions Charlie said he is able to control thoughts at bedtime. And he started de-cluttering which he had been postponing for a long time. 

Harry said that he meditated when he was 30+ years but discontinued. After starting these classes he restarted reading fiction and enjoying it.  He is shocked that he is getting into bed at 11 pm whereas he was not even home before by this time. He is also waking up earlier. He has taken up decluttering that he had been postponing. 

Both of them are single and keen on finding intimate partners. They shared their ideas and experiences. Charlie shared the resource Subsequently I shared following info found on Quora.

Search on Quora for "How do seniors meet each other for dating and companionship?"

Found many interesting posts on the above page. One of them was by the AI assistant of Quora which gave more info



5-2-24 Improving Relationship

This is "Charlie's" third meeting. 

I practiced

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up

Improvements noticed

Upon waking I either get up or breathe until I fall asleep again. I am more rested for the day.

My stress is due to 

Not having an intimate partner.

My expectations from this meetup

Continue my awareness and Self-help methods

'Take home'  ideas

Text Ms P sometimes.

Tel her about relationship? 

Inquire if it is OK to text once a week or 10 days.   

Rating of the session

Very useful

I would like to learn more by 

Reading books

Steps to be taken to find a partner 

Meet more people.

Do what I love doing and meet people with similar interest. 

Stay in contact with people I have already met. 

Get out of the house every day.

Go to museums.

Take classes: Language, cooking, music.    


4-25-24  Meditation and Relationships

This is "Charlie's" second meeting. 


I practiced

Segment mode at bedtime, Counting mode to fall asleep, Counting mode to relax.

Improvements noticed

Ease in falling asleep, Also a pattern of falling asleep easier than before.

My stress is due to 

Not having an intimate partner.

I manage my stress by 


My expectations from this meetup

More options for meditation. 

End of session

'Take home'  ideas

Create a morning practice. 

Rating of the session

Very useful


4-22-24 'Counting breaths meditation' (Practitioners)

This is "Harry's" fifth meeting. 

He filled out the check-in form as follows

I practiced (mode and place)

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Sitting meditation (two times, practiced segment mode on 4 hands), Staring mode at stop lights, Feeling mode at bedtime and on waking up, riding in the car after a long hike.

Improvements noticed

More visual clarity (I see colors, shapes and lines more clearly than before).

Quicker recovery after work-outs (long hikes of 6 hours, biking and kayaking). 

Getting back to sleep after an interruption is easier. 

Waking up fresher than before.    

My stress is due to

Health, Job, Relationships (not finding an intimate partner)

I manage my stress by 

Watching TV, Exercise, Meditation, Socializing 

My expectation from this meetup

Learn 'Eating meditation', and more techniques.  

Eating meditation

I wanted to introduce mindful eating meditation to him as he has diabetes and needs to lose some weight. This was the second time I practiced it with a client. How did we do it? 

We put two raisins in the mouth. 

We are not to bite the raisins with the teeth. They can be moved around and squeezed by the tongue. 

Only the saliva can be swallowed. 

The stiff raisins with wrinkled skins became soft and pliable absorbing the saliva. The sweet pulp inside the raisins leaked out of the skin of the raisins in tiny doses. Finally the skin also disintegrated into small pieces. It was a continuous process. They were totally gone! No taste in the mouth. We didn't time it but this lasted 10 to 15 minutes. Next time we will time it. 

I suggested to  him to eat whatever solid foods he eats in the following way.

Take smaller quantities into the plate.

Put smaller quantities in the mouth. 

Bite and chew in the usual manner. 

Don't swallow as before. 

Wait for accumulation of liquified food in the mouth.  

Strictly follow this rule: Swallow only the liquified food in the mouth.  

After the liquid is swallowed, resume biting and chewing to generate the next batch of liquified food.

Repeat the process till all the food is consumed.  

It will be interesting to hear his experience in the next meeting. 

At the end, he filled out the 'End of session' form

'Take home' ideas

Eating small quantities at a time, Keep chewing and swallow only the liquid form of the food. 

Changes can be made slowly (cooking a frog story)

Try to set up a sleeping time to commit to (currently sleeping between 11pm and 1am), Set an alarm at 12 am, and slowly advance it. 

Try to bring 45 minutes of exercise into the weekdays. 

Rating of today's session

Very useful

I would like to learn more by 

Reading books, Watching videos


4-15-24 'Counting breaths meditation' (Practitioners)

This is "Harry's" fourth meeting. 

He filled out the check-in form as follows

I practiced (mode and place) 

Segment mode at bedtime, Tip mode on waking up, Counting mode sitting, Staring mode at stop lights, Feeling mode at times of stress, in the car, after intensive workouts. Sitting meditation.   

I noticed the following improvements 

Recovering after intensive workout is better - not as much muscle spasms, less pain and quicker recovery.  

My stress is due to 

Health, Job

I manage my stress by 

Watching TV, Exercise, Computer shopping, Housework, and now Meditation.

My  expectation from this meetup is 

Learn more meditation.  

At the end, he filled out the 'End of session' form

Todays 'Take home' ideas

Write down negative things/thoughts to take them out of the mind and place them on the paper.

Try the 'Refreshing method' (sitting on the edge of the seat to keep the back erect, setting the timer and practicing the Tip mode for 5 minutes) once a day or twice a day. 

Try focusing on breathing on hikes with 5 minutes of relaxation. 

Rating of todays' session

Very useful

I like to enhance my knowledge by 

Reading books, Reading on-line, Watching videos 


4-11-24 'Counting breaths meditation' (Practitioners)

"Harry" attended his third meeting. He offered his feedback on a plain paper on (A) what modes he practiced and when (B) What benefits he experienced in the last 10 days

(A) what modes he practiced and when

Morning in the bed: He practiced 'Tip mode' or 'Segment mode' for 10 to 15 minutes.  

Falling asleep at night: He practiced 'Tip mode'  and 'Feeling mode' for 2 to 10 minutes.  He rends to fall asleep quickly. 

(B) Benefits gained in the last 10 days of practice

Better command of language and verbal expression. 

(Before practicing meditation he was feeling hesitant to express his thoughts.)

Ability to begin projects, visualize having the project done and the benefits of completing the projects. 

(He explained that the project of modifying the bathroom in his house started more than 10 years back and was dragging on. After practicing the meditation for two weeks, the project is moving forward. Now he is having the motivation and energy to work on it.) 

Taking up decluttering and organizing in a more effective manner. Cleaning spaces not cleaned for years and making them usable again. 

'Sitting meditation' introduced

Set the timer for 5 minutes and practiced the 'tip mode'. 

Sat quietly feeing the breath for a minute.  

Practiced 'body scanning' for about 2 minutes. 

Ended the session with gently massaging the face, neck, shoulders. hands and legs getting in touch with the body. 

He felt happy with how he felt at the end. 

Take home points of this session

Practice sitting meditation in a similar manner for 5 minutes on returning from work. 

Practice the tip mode or counting mode for about 2 minutes  during the day a few times to avoid building up the stress. 

While driving, practice stoplight meditation at every opportunity. 

Look for a therapist to work on long standing issues and speed up healing. 

Attend the meditation Practitioners' meetup on Mondays for a few sessions to cover other modes like walking and working meditation.  

Attend the 'Improving relationships' meetup for a longer period. 


4-5-24 'Counting breaths meditation' (Practitioners)

Two persons attended - "Charlie" (second meeting) and She. She was a new comer. A summary of their feedback follows. 

What I like about this meditation

Easy to follow and many options. 

The meditation/ relaxation is very effective. 

I would like to try this meditation to help me with 

Sleep and depression

Getting to  sleep, Relaxing, Cognitive benefits, Opening my mind more   

My evaluation of the workshop

Very satisfied x2


Thank you for your kindness

Thank you!

I would like to join 'Practitioners' meetup' to develop this meditation become a part of my daily life.

Yes x2


4-4-24 Improving RELATIONSHIPS

"CHARLIE" Attended. He was trained in 'Counting breaths meditation'. He was sleeping poorly and also had recurring negative thoughts about a woman he was meeting with stopped  responding. His impressions at the end of the session - 

Needed to leave my 'Teaching' mode and embrace my role as a  student. (He has been helping people with healing from past traumas)

Let go my desire to know everything so that I could learn something. 



4-1-24 Improving RELATIONSHIPS

"Harry" attended. He was trained in 'Counting breaths meditation' to calm the mind, reduce stress and be able to see situations and people objectively. 

His comments at the end of the session 

Less helpless, more hopeful.

Relaxation has a strong physical effect, as strong as medicine.

Less helpless that I can fall asleep now. 

He would like to  continue attending the meetings.  

We met at the office of Padma Sripada MD (My daughter) 2500 Pond View Ste 202, Castleton NY 12033 from 6 to 7.30pm. 


6-5-18 'Counting breaths meditation' (Practitioners)

Five people attended, four female and one male. Summary of feedback offered by 4 people is posted below. 

One of the participants attended the Beginners’ meetup and Practitioners’ meetups before. She said this meditation was life changing for her. So she brought in her friend and friend’s college going daughter for today’s class. She said a lot of things were going on at her home but her husband said she should go to the class as she feels and does better after the class. Also that she felt peaceful simply being in my presence.

Another participant had attended the Vipassana program at Barre (Massachusetts) but never practiced at home after the program. At the end he said he liked how I presented the technique. 

My purpose in joining this group

Feel calm and peace

Learning how to de-stress and have my mind become more peaceful

Renew my meditation practice, Control stress, Improve health & sleep

To relieve anxiety, Improve sleep

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

Method of breathing to improve feeling of relaxation

Going to sleep and walking practice

Find little moments to de-stress and have my mind become more peaceful.

Feel calm and peace

Don’t stress about the rules

Overall evaluation of the session

Very useful 4

My sources of stress

Life in general
Sleep and joint pain
Relationships at home and work

I cope with my stress by

Exercise, Yoga, Sports, Hiking
Eating, Reading
Need to develop healthy ways to eat normally


5-2-18 Counting breaths meditation - BEGINNERS

One woman attended. A summary of her feedback is posted below.

My purpose in joining this group

        Relaxing, Patience, Coping 

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

        I can do it! I can’t mess-up! 

Overall evaluation of the session

        Very useful 

Suggestions for the future

        I plan to attend the next meetup 

My sources of stress

      Feeling like I can’t get everything done

I cope with my stress by

        Yoga (try to)
        I have not yet found my “hobby” but hope to some day.


4-17-18 'Counting breaths meditation' (Practitioners)

Three members attended.

What did we do?

Each of us shared how we practiced after the last meetup. Meditated sitting on cushions in sofas/chairs to effortlessly maintain an erect posture. Each of us practiced in our own way for about 20 minutes and then chanting ‘May we all be happy silently’ once at each segment for 10 minutes. Total meditation was for 30 minutes. At the end, massage all over the head, neck and shoulders using one hand at a time. Summary of feedback - 

My purpose in joining this group

Improve and motivate my progress
Practice meditation
Inner peace and relaxation

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

“Watch the movie” in the mind (watch the thoughts appearing in the mind like an audience watching the images on the movie screen)

Let thoughts pass by like a movie

Path not goal (Focusing on the journey rather than the goal?)

Overall evaluation of the session

Very useful – 2
Useful – 1

Suggestions for future 

More time, may be
Perhaps a lamp, to soften relaxing to the reality after meditation

My sources of stress

Relationships at Home x2
Life in general

I cope with my stress by

Meditation (I want to use it more)
Getting busy with activities, doing things that I enjoy
Exercise x2


4-3-18 Counting breaths meditation - BEGINNERS

Two people attended. A summary of their feedback follows. 

My purpose in joining this group

Learn to meditate

To kick start the practice. I have wanted to start but always put off.

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

Different techniques, Doing it before bed and upon waking up

Various methods, Pick one that seems to work

Overall evaluation of the session

Very useful x 2

Suggestions for the future

Not sure. I think the length of time is fine.

My sources of stress


My health


I cope with my stress by

Exercise – 2

Hiking, Listening to music

Math & Algorithm development


2/17/18 Counting breaths meditation - BEGINNERS and PRACTITIONERS

The first Open house for Beginners and Practitioners was off to a good start with 2 people who were beginners for this style of meditation but practiced other styles of meditation. Summary of their feedback follows. 

My purpose in joining this group

To learn new meditation techniques to help me with stress and sleep

Learn to meditate in a more effective way 

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

All of them!
Count your breaths

Overall evaluation of the session

Very useful  2

My sources of stress

Relationships with my ex-husband and my mother
Lingering health problems are frustrating
My work demands
My health

I cope with my stress by

Watching movies

Books on meditation taken with deposit

'Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness' by Sharon Salzburg
'An End to Suffering: The Buddha in the World' Paperback by Pankaj Mishra
'Crucial conversations' by Kerry Paterson & others


2/6/18 Counting breaths meditation - BEGINNERS

Three people attended. One of them was a 15-year-old teen who came along with her mom. A summary of their feedback is posted below.

I will use this technique for my

Stress, Anger

Trouble sleeping, Anxiety, Relationship stress

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

Counting breaths

Can be done with eyes opened, Do it routinely

Counting my breaths! Love the segment mode

Overall evaluation of the session

Very useful  2

Useful  1

Suggestions for the future

Keep food nearby (a lollipop was offered)

If possible, weekly classes

Books on meditation taken with deposit

'Finding the quiet'

'Transformation and healing'


1/16/18 'Counting breaths meditation' (Practitioners)

One member came though it was snowing and said he didn’t want to let down others who RSVP’D. It was so nice of him. Two others canceled the RSVP in advance. What did we do?

Reviewed the practice after the last meetup

Meditated sitting in chairs on cushions to effortlessly maintain an erect posture, using the segment mode, for about 30 minutes and then chanting ‘May we all be happy silently’ once at each segment completing two hands. While chanting visualized the images of people in the immediate vicinity, then family, coworkers, extended family members and so on, expanding the coverage wider and wider, as the time permits. The goal is to extend the good wishes to one and all including those we don’t like. At the end, massage all over the head, neck and shoulders using one hand at a time.

Suggestions from CS

To improve sleep: Before lying down, empty the mind by downloading the swirling thoughts on to a paper. Make two columns – one titled “Worries and Goals’ and the second titled ‘Plans’. Post all the thoughts into the respective columns. This would free the mind. After lying in the bed, as soon as one desires to sleep, practice the ‘Segment mode’ non-stop to automatically fall asleep.

To bring lying or sitting meditation into the daily routine, set an alarm 30 minutes before the current waking up time. Use this newly created free time to practice meditation either lying in the bed or sitting on the chair or floor.  Morning meditation will make a big impact on daytime stress. After the meditation practice becomes a daily habit, prepone the alarm by 15 minutes and practice the stretching routine also.

Summary of his feedback

My purpose in joining this group: Rewind and review the practice, release the stress and reclaim control of my emotions and reactions.

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

New morning routine
Meditation and then stretching

Overall evaluation of the session

Very useful

My sources of stress


I cope with my stress by

Doing things that I enjoy


12/19/17 'Counting breaths meditation' (Practitioners)

The first ‘Practitioners’ meetup’ was off to a good start with 3 people in attendance.

My purpose in joining this group

Review and reinforce focus on breathing practice and learn new ideas, also remind anything I have lost.

Peace of mind, Better health

To take advantage of the energy of a group – together for the same purpose.

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

Positive affirmations

Tongue tip positioning to relax the lips and jaws, Sitting on a pillow to keep the back in a healthy posture, Yoga

Chanting “May we all be happy” on the out-breath, Sitting posture, Tongue tip positioning, Keeping the resting and fingers in the meditation finger lock.

Overall evaluation of the session

Very useful  2
Useful  1

Suggestions for the future

Explain more on improving relationships

Dim the lights if possible? (Organizer’s response: My apology for not taking care of this aspect though it was pointed out in the last meetup.  I have made a special note for the next meetup.)

My sources of stress

Work  2
My health
Home 2
Things I can’t control
Family member’s health

I cope with my stress by

Exercise  2

Meditation – 3

Yoga 2

Getting busy with reading

Breathing deeply 


12/5/17 Counting breaths meditation - BEGINNERS

The first meetup was off to a good start with 4 people in attendance, two were new to ‘counting breaths meditation’ and two were already practicing it. A summary of the feedback is posted below.

My purpose in joining this group

For relaxation
Explore new techniques
Progress in my process of learning
Always trying to learn

Today’s ‘Take home’ ideas

Counting method
Counting breaths with fingers
Practice more often
Need to relax my mind more

Overall evaluation of the session

Very useful  3
Useful  1

Suggestions for the future

This looks good to me, no suggestions
Dim the lights? (Organizer’s response: Certainly this will be taken care of in the next meetup. Thank you.)

My sources of stress

Work  2
My health
Lot of school work pressure

I cope with my stress by

Exercise x 4
Meditation x 3
Getting away


Related pages

Meditation Workshops
